[2507.AB] Doubling Up Regional Officers

A simple (somewhat topical) amendment: if someone is a minister but also has another regional officer position, it would be nice to be able to be able to appoint them as both. A primary concern of the Regional Officers Act is allocating our limited number of regional officer slots; if someone is taking a slot anyway, I don’t think it’s an issue to double up.

Or, alternatively (since the CRS is the catch-all for all unused slots and doesn’t have a maximum limit on the number of regional officers):

Wording feels pretty messy — I’m open to nitpicks as well as more substantive concerns!

I’m a little confused about this, can somebody explain this to me like I’m 5?

Same here

Well, as a concrete example, Henn is currently a CRS member and has a Regional Officer position by virtue of that. Henn is also Minister of Culture. In my opinion, ideally, we would just rename Henn’s position to “Minister of Culture & CRS Member” or something and give them both Cabinet minister and CRS member powers.

However, the Regional Officers Act currently requires the Prime Minister to choose up to three ministers to grant Cabinet minister powers. Granting Cabinet minister powers to Henn would use up one of those three slots, even though it doesn’t use an additional Regional Officer position. That means there’s another Cabinet minister who can’t get a Regional Officer position.

I’d like to just have Henn be granted the regional officer powers of both a Cabinet minister and a CRS member — they’re using one slot anyway, so there’s no reason not to get more use out of that slot.

The goal of this amendment is so that, since Henn is already a Regional Officer — and since there is no maximum limit on how many slots go to the CRS — they wouldn’t count towards the limit of three. This way, they could be granted Cabinet minister powers while still leaving up to three slots for the Cabinet.

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Ok, that makes sense, thx!

I think, historically, we have just implied that they are still a CRS member (and count toward their required spots) even if they are being granted additional titles/powers, even so, the Prime Minister has the discretion to order additional powers to anyone.

Though, it wouldn’t hurt to clarify in any case.

While we’re at it, why do we even have this “up to three” limit? Is there a valid reason why the PM can’t appoint more than three ministers with these powers?

We’re limited to twelve regional officer slots. If everybody maxes out their available slots, we’d have one for the Prime Minister, three for the Cabinet, five for RMB moderators, and three for the CRS. More for the Cabinet would mean we’d have to cut down on slots for someone else.

There can only be 12 regional officers because that’s the max amount allowed by NationStates.

The Delegate, PM, RMB Mods and CRS all get spots currently. That leaves a few for the Cabinet to use.

While we are on the topic of ROs…
What if we gave the Chair of the Assembly a spot? That could prompt some nations to inquire about how to join the Assembly if they see that we have an RO.

I honestly wish there is more RO Spots. I honestly think they can increase them to around 18 to 20. I know gameside this was an issue and was talked years ago. But now may be the time to bring it up to the NS mods again.

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Would the CoA spot, other than this advertisement role, have and actual use where they’d need any of the powers?

Also, I’m no RMBer, but I think we could reduce the number of RMB mods of at least a unit.
Do we really need 5 of them?

yes yes we do

we could always use more mods

They could send out Assembly activity reports.

Nearly all ROs never use their powers and are almost exclusively for visibility purposes.

To be honest, I don’t see a couple of them doing their moderation duties. That may be a conversation to have.

I motion this draft to vote.

I’m not necessarily opposed to giving out other RO spots but think we can always vote on those amendments later if they come up.

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Don’t forget RMB Mods, they also hold RO positions

If a CRS member was also an RMB moderator, they wouldn’t be double-counted under this amendment. I think whose ‘quota’ it should count towards if a Cabinet minister is also an RMB moderator (I am aware this is currently the case) is a separate question, but the CRS is the only institution currently without a maximum limit.

I did mean if an RMB Mod was a cabinet member, but I see what you mean about it being a separate question.

I’ll second the motion to vote.

We are now at a vote!

Well that was certainly fast-