This is not a resolution of some sorts, just an attempt to raise a point about Citcomm. Seems like there is a current issue with the Committee: The last application to be accepted was in December 15th. This is 21 days without any accepted applications. There are a total of 15 pending applications, not counting repeats.
Clearly, there is something going on here. I guess that it was Christmas season, but this doesn’t really explain why there are still applications from before the holiday. I bring this up since SPSF applications haven’t been getting processed as well, and with the hopes of accepting some, I stumbled upon all these citizen applications laying around as well (as both applications need IP checks), it’s faster to check.
However, the thing to talk about here is, will CitComm start processing the applications soon enough? Or does something have to be done again to prevent this from happening? Does CitComm need more members or any other change? I’m still pretty sure this is mainly due to the Christmas holidays, but perhaps with this point something could be done.
All I hope is for Citcomm to deal with the applications soon enough.
Being the first weekend after the holidays, I was already going to be catching up on CitComm work today anyway.
But yes, the backlog is primarily due to the Christmas holiday and the fact that @Pronoun and I took LoAs at the same time. The backlog will be cleared within the next 24 hours or so.
As far as the applications before Christmas go, those were an oversight. They were processed internally but did not get their full processing done. Those will also be taken care of within the next 24 hours or so.
Thank you for broaching the subject, the Assembly ought to keep its appointed bodies accountable!
I guess that explains it! It’s pretty understandable, considering we all deserve holidays and Christmas is one of the big ones. I’m sure that you’ll be able to clear it well, but I still want to comment, should we possibly expect multiple simultaneous LoAs sometime again?
I think something should be done to ensure the continuous activity of CitComm, given its importance, and due to the fact that applications always flow in. I’m no lawmaker and such, this is just a reflection about something to take into account!
It’s worth restarting the discussion that Roavin kicked off on reforming (though not eliminating) CitComm. I have held that up for quite some time by promising to contribute and then failing to do so, for which I apologize. But it was moving in a promising direction.
I note that @citcomm has not taken any action to adjudicate applications since January 14, nor have any been marked as pending. The current backlog stands at 15 applications.