[2437.AP] Questions to the Cabinet


1.) What is the current state of the Knowhere project?

2.) Do you know if any active roleplayers were brought on as advisers at any point in the project’s planning?

Knowhere is currently on hold due to some maintenance and map issues. We are accepting early-testers for the canon, if people want an early spot. they can apply right now.

I mean, both No One (the two main managers of the project) and I are both active roleplayers (well me mostly), we also have Gal (the RP map manager) for assistance as well.

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Does the Cabinet intend to abide by its legal obligations set out in the Sunshine Act?


Yes (well, at least in retrospect since we’re already behind right now).

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@ProfessorHenn what have you done as the Deputy Prime Minister so far?

@ProfessorHenn now the the PM has resigned, will you be serving as a proxy-PM until a Caretaker PM is appointed?

The double-post whammy is diabolical here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Consistent with my appointment, I’ve been providing guidance on foreign affairs and integration matters.

For FA, my goal has been continuity of the broader foreign policy objective we’ve been keeping, in working with our allies on matters of mutual WA interest especially, and in providing an elder diplomat on the team for partners and allies to reach out to as a known face. I’ve been directing folks who have approached me back to Slab or Nwahs as appropriate, of course, but it helps to grease the wheels of diplomacy to have a familiar, if not friendly, face.

For integration, Maluhia has been running the show and I’ve just been providing small inputs here and there. I’ve also been helping out with testing and exploring our options for UPC’s recruitment bot, although it’s been slow goings while we take public input and answer questions in the Assembly.

Negative. That is not what I was appointed for and I will not be exercising “proxy-PM” powers while we await the caretaker’s appointment.

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