[2434.CN] Nomination of ProfessorHenn to the Council on Regional Security

Also, I am not just putting this on you, and if I ever made it feel that way I apologize.

We have an issue with government accountability, is it that case where I saw it’s about regional accountability?

Can I just say, we are the body of government, that passes who goes to the CRS, along with treaties, and declarations of war, why wouldn’t we get dedicated time for the assembly to discuss security, we pass literally if not everything that can affect our security, and we should also be notified about security and talk about security, and not be left out like said when we pass a legislation regarding security.

I get your opinion on why you would not want to share because it is private.

Yes, I did go into an argument that I did not start, and I can see why their is a bystander affect.

This was an idea that was brought up in the Addressing Activity topic, albeit aimed towards the Cabinet. The pros of having a dedicated time to ask questions is that it may make people more comfortable doing so, as they feel like they’re supposed to, and others would be doing so as well. The cons is that it then boxes those same people in, where they’ll likely feel uncomfortable asking their questions outside of the designated time, even if they’d be more relevant then.

Uh, on the one hand, maybe that would be better. On the other, I think you’re overestimating how important responding to Roavin’s and Griffindor’s unanimity test question is. We, as a collective, discuss plenty of things together, including at times how to respond to questions or issues raised in the Assembly. But not every single question someone asks is going to prompt a discussion as soon as it’s asked, and consider how difficult it is to go through the process of consensus-testing the answer to each and every question the CRS is asked.

I’m not saying we did this perfectly—we definitely didn’t. I’m just trying to give a bit of perspective. At the end of the day, this is much ado about a very bizarre question that Roavin woke up and decided to make the litmus test of a nominee. Throughout this process, we’ve been transparent about the process and reasoning for the nominations, and no one has raised substantive concerns about the nomination of ProfessorHenn to the CRS, a nomination that we stand behind fully.

Because they didn’t feel it was necessary or didn’t have anything to add to the conversation? Which is not the grand sin you seem to think.

I’m afraid of many things including spiders, the dark, the ongoing climate crisis, my fantasy team losing, etc. This isn’t on the list.

That does not mean we should.

It’s worth noting, as a point of information, the CRS actually releases Sunshine reports, just like other government institutions.

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Because there is no need to have “dedicated time” for any topic. You, as a legislator, are perfectly capable of posting a thread about any issue you so desire, including asking questions to the CSS or having a broad discussion about regional security, without any prompting from anyone or permission from the Chair. You don’t even need to do it in the context of drafting legislation: the Assembly is the centre of regional political activity and is fully empowered to both pass legislation and also discuss issues of regional importance.

In other words, there isn’t a set moment in time during which you can discuss certain topics, nor is there a prohibition from discussing certain topics outside their “set times”. If you think that tomorrow at noon is the right time to ask questions to the CSS, or to the Prime Minister, then as a legislator you have every right to ask those questions and no one can tell you otherwise.

Overly-Long Journey of a Bumbling Moron

How frequently does this occur? When I search “Sunshine Report,” which may not be the right term here, seemingly the only relevant result that comes up is this one from a year ago. If they’re released yearly, I imagine the other ones would be on the old forums, so presuming there was stuff there then everything seems good. Don’t see other government stuff though.

However, when I search it up on Discord, I get the following results (ordered in how they come up for me): 1, 2, 3, 4. 2 is just a link to the Kris post with the 8/2023 Sunshine Report, and I don’t see links to other Sunshine Reports. Doesn’t really seem like there’s been much talk about the Sunshine Reports on the discord, at least not in the channels I can access, but it does establish them as existing in 2022. Admittedly, this isn’t very in-depth, as i just grabbed the posts without reading the context around them. It’s also right around now that I realized the Sunshine Report is grouped together as one, not a bunch of separate ones like I thought.

Just because I’ve committed way too much to this, I checked Kris’s dispatches since he posted the 2023 one. Nothing there, which isn’t all that surprising to be fair. If I wanted to keep being extra I’d search more dispatches, but that’s just overcommitting at that point.

Finally, I did what I should have done like 20 minutes sooner and looked for a link the the old forums. One the way I decided to go to TSPedia and found this post about it. This helped me find the old forums, and made me realize I should have looked up the Sunshine Act too.
Anyway, I finally found the 2022, 2021, (I was going to link them all but realised there’s too many, anyone who wants to look rn can do so themselves). So yeah, they’re out there.

TLDR: I’m worryingly stupid, and it’s worth considering compiling them together for convenience, and to child-proof it against me.

^ written in real-time unfortunately

@Legend, I completely agree with the pros and cons.

It’s good to check anyways.

May have gotten a bit carried away thinking about that, however they still could have spoken up,

When? This is the first I am hearing this? We’re never notified of this, so how am I supposed to know?

I get that and I will do so in the future, when the time is needed, but the CRS, is also perfectly capable as well to talk to the Assembly as well during “dedicated times” or doesn’t have to be, or talking in general to us.

Fully knew this already, but that I think is the beauty of the assembly is that right now we can get to talk about this under this thread, even if it isn’t legislation.

Your not :slight_smile: trying being a bit more positive! :slight_smile:

You’re making things more convoluted than is necessary. If people have questions they can ask them.

Yes I get that, but your making it seem, we always have to make a new thread, to talk about CRS, and security, but you won’t talk about it in the assembly.

If the question that is asked is one that we believe cannot be answered then of course we won’t answer it.

That is not what I said at all, I am not sure what your trying to say out of that.

Whew, lots happened here!

I do! I’m cognizant of how these things typically work, and expected this to be either what you said or something like you making a deliberate statement. That doesn’t mean that the inference stated above isn’t a reasonable one, though.

No, this is wrong. As I mentioned before, the point isn’t that this is some grand litmus test, but that the fact that this question in particular was not answered is in and of itself concerning, regardless of what the answer would be.

Oh really?

Unless I’m mistaken, the last one was 4 years ago, when forums dating back to 6 years prior (so, 10 years ago now) were released, and that was not released via invocation of the Sunshine Act.

Where are the Sunshine reports?

No, what you linked are Court Sunshine Reports, not CRS.

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This is quite possible the worst thing you could have told me :smiling_face_with_tear:

That is why, I never heard of the Sunshine Reports, they never happened in years! So, no you guys don’t release Sunshine Reports, because you haven’t released them since the transfer over to the new forums.

Question, was never answered

Wrong, this is deeply a concern, this isn’t anything about the nominee, this is more about the CRS, and communication currently as this thread quickly adapted into this conversation.

I always check the law, whenever a conversation like this breaks out, because it’s ok to do so, the law is the law and it’s always good to check anyways.

The reason why I said scared, was that the CRS, continued not to share information, and still believe you guys are either scared or worried to share this, even though it is private and you guys want to keep it private, but you guys are either scared or worried, because everyone, no matter if their a legislator or not, can see the information, that’s why I said your scared.

I guess if you say we’re scared then that must be the truth, because you can read minds right? How silly of me to think otherwise.

So your mocking me now, not a great move Kris.

I’m being sarcastic, and you’re making stuff up.

Same thing as mocking, basically.

Completely OOC here, but mocking does not equal sarcasm.

Yes, I can agree, with that