Hello everyone! How exciting to be a part of the inner circle once again. My name is Concrete Slab, and I will be your Minister of Foreign Affairs for this upcoming term. It is my pleasure to inform you of my plans and respond to any questions you might have.
First, as Nwahs has mentioned many times, we plan to attempt a return to an ambassador based system. However, as someone who has experience as an ambassador in the past, I definitely know it can get very bloated and stagnant. To prevent this, I want to have the rollout start with a small group of trusted, passionate nations who are interested in learning more about the culture and people of the region they are being deployed to. I do not want ambassadors to turn into a “here’s the report” machine once a month, I want them to be an active force in the community that represents TSP positively and builds real connections. So, look forward to that, and if you are interested, just let me know and we can talk about :).
Second, I would like to work closely with the Minister of Engagement to continue planning events with our closest allies, as well as other regions we may not have have interacted with as much recently. I am excited to hear their plans and work collaboratively so that everyone can have fun while we grow closer with the people closest to us.
Third, as man of you know, I am very passionate about our regional military, the South Pacific Special Forces. As MoFA, I want to make it a priority to recruit more members into the military as well as grow our Officer Corps even further. The SPSF is one of the primary ways we are able to present ourselves to the world, and building a stronger defender force allows us to not only be more effective, but gain more clout as well. As such, I am excited to work with the incoming Minister of Defense to begin progress in this endeavor.
Fourth, I also believe the World Assembly is another, relatively untapped, way that we can positively present ourselves on the world stage. A few of you may know that we have multiple projects that have been in the works for some time now concerning prominent South Pacificans, and I will make it a priority during my term to see substantial progress is made on these projects and that they are presented to the World Assembly for approval. It’s time to give some beloved members of our community the recognition they deserve. However, with Nwahs leading the way, I know we have a very solid team to get the job done. While I am on this topic, it’s also prudent to mention that World Assembly cooperation with our allies is more important than ever before. I plan to maintain clear and consistent discussions with our allies considering important World Assembly votes, and hope you all will join me in contributing to an active and robust World Assembly culture.
Those are my big ideas and plans, and I am happy to answer any questions you might have. As MoFA, my primary responsibility is being a reliable and trustworthy representative for the South Pacific abroad, and I am honored to have been granted this role. You won’t be disappointed.