[2416.CN] PM Penguin's Cabinet Appointments

Greetings, y’all! I have been nominated to be Minister of Defence by PM PenguinPies, a position I look up to considering my involvement with the SPSF along the years. Although I have been part of TSP’s great army as a simple soldier, I still believe that doing the job of MoD is still possible for my capabilities and experience with the SPSF! If any citizens, members of the SPSF, or legislators have any questions for the objectives or ideas for my term, I will gladly respond.

Just as Penguin said:

While “awesome” is a pretty general and subjective word, I guess that I can only agree with our PM in this. I understand the SPSF being awesome as, keeping up the activity and engagement of its soldiers, and maintaining our presence in liberations, be it minor, large… I will proceed to explain some ideas in some detail now.

Keeping up the Activity: My main focus for the SPSF these four months are to keep its presence in military events: liberations, detags, defenses… with the posibility of recruiting and training new members who may join the SPSF in order to ensure that the SPSF remains as one of Nationstates’ most reliable, active, and largest liberation armies.

Tidal Force Ideas: I am mostly talking about activity of the Tsunami Force in the previous paragraph. However, in order to truly ensure at least some activity from the SPSF even when members are busy with other factors, I would suggest a buildup of the Tidal Force as well. This section of the SPSF mainly is focused on doing “slow” detags, in which members don’t even have to be present at the moment of the NS update. I will be honest when I say this, and I still have to talk with the Tidal Forces coordinator to see how feasible this idea could be, but it is the following: In the event the Tidal Force gets some more soldiers, it could be divided into a “Team A” or “Team B” (it could also be named regiments, or something fancier). With this idea, the Tidal Force would be able to liberate more than one region at a time, although the nations involved would only have to respond to their corresponding team, to keep it as simple as it always has been for them. This would have to depend on the establishment of a second Tidal Force coordinator, or captain, which could be subordinate to the existing one, in order to coordinate efforts.

Recruitment and Training: I have written simple ideas about the two main forces of the SPSF. In this paragraph, I would like to expand on my intention to keep up an effort in recruiting interested TSP residents and citizens into the SPSF. After all, an army is nothing but some fancy thought if it doesn’t have soldiers who proudly participate in it. This recruitment could be done by messages in the TSP RMB board, direct telegrams… I would gladly recieve any ideas, though! However, after the recruitment of new members, their training would be essential in order to keep their interest in the SPSF (what fun could joining an army be if it seems like they’re not doing anything?). For this, the activity into even minor liberation activities, mainly over in the discord and Libcord, would be good to keep the thought that the SPSF is, and always has been, an active army that is interested in all of its members, and is glad to have them.

Keeping in contact with command/Notifying Early: Finally, this is obvious in order to lead such liberations, but I intend to keep contact with our captains and generals, and also other members of the liberation command. This will hopefully give the SPSF the intel when it’s necessary in order to prepare for SPSF intervention, mainly by giving out pings to SPSF soldiers hours before the actual liberation begins, so that they may know about the intervention beforehand.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

I am a Citizen of TSP and a SPSF Ensign. I’m only currently a citizen of TSP, although I will note that I was a citizen once of TNP over 8 years ago. I have only ever been a member of the SPSF (since August 2022), although I got more involved in 2023 and currently. My last WA nation was used in part of a liberation some days before NS went down. All my NS-related activities are SPSF or RP-related (on the TSP forum). I will mainly focus my time on NS on the latter and MoD duties, and depending on free time and how busy some periods in the term may be, I will keep up my RP, mainly just keeping my general presence as a citizen of TSP.

These are just some basic ideas. Nothing the SPSF hasn’t ever done. As the term goes on, I may end up with newer ideas or plans, and I will say that I’m always open to suggestions by members of the SPSF.
Thank you all for your time reading this! If you have any questions, do not be afraid to ask!