2024 Wishes

Since 2023 is coming to a close, what are your wishes and hopes for 2024?

Post them down below, it can be as short or as long as you want and can be in any format (paragraph, poem, prayer, etc).

I’ll go first

In 2024, I hope that we learn from our mistakes and reduce how often pandemics occur.


I hope that everyone will correct their mistakes, learn something new, live in peace and tranquility, be happy and healthy. Happy new year everyone guys!


I hope for a free Palestine in 2024.

On a more personal note, I hope to refind my passion for some things in 2024. I focused a lot on moderation and stability in 2023. I want to take more risks and push myself more in 2024.


I know it’s broad, but I just hope for 2024 to be less of a dumpster fire than what the entire 2020-2023 period has been

I mean, a global pandemic, economic recession, worsening in many countries of civil rights that were acquired in the past by marginalized groups, and two wars are a bit much in just three years


Besides the Pageant answers
I hope that I get to finish the book I am working on and that something awesome happens with it. I hope that I can use this drive that I have and put it towards other things I have been neglecting and just overall be better.


I hope I get to finish my RP series in TEP, make new friends IRL, and avoid bad vibes as best I can. I hope I still find time to read and watch new TV shows (and finish old ones) amidst my responsibilities. I hope I’ll enjoy all my classes and do well in them. I hope my loved ones will be as happy as a human (imperfect) life can offer. I hope that I am true to myself, and I hope to spread as much compassion as I physically can. I hope all of you and all of NS and all of the world has a better year than this, no matter how good this year was for them - even if 2023 was the best year of someone’s life, I hope 2024 steals that record. I hope I’ll see amazing works of art. I hope that everyone in the world helps at least one person with something, no matter small. Even if it’s themselves. I hope I’ll laugh; by myself and with others. I hope everyone else will have the same privilege. I hope that any tears I’ll shed are worth it. I hope my best friend’s brother beats his cancer, and my other friend’s aunt, too. I hope that coming out of the closet to two of my friends will only deepen our bond. I hope that everyone else’s wishes come true.


I graduate high school this year, so one of my wises is that I get to push back against external pressures and study something I am truly passionate for in college.

Another wish of mine is that 2024 ends up a special year for as many people as possible.


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