2024 Krauanaet and Legislative Elections


Krauanaet Candidates

Candidate Party Home Province
Lyra Zharan Lor’nai’da Intaín LI Kevpríg KG
Taaayya Lithin Lor’nai’da Intaín LI Kevpríg KG
Selvan Kairn Lor’nai’da Sentro LS Prital Kallaria PK
Zarys Dukvin Heritio Korosha HK Krautallaz KZ
Lurik Taarek Mitallarai Lor’nai’da ML Lutavaras Arkas LK
Thalira Renkara Soliranas te ti Venis SV Prital Inaria PI

Election Day: November 9 - 0 days away

Current Legislative Makeup

Party Magistrates Lupriuaris
Lor’nai’da Sentro 47 15
Mitallarai Lor’nai’da’tarsil 83 26
Soliranas te ti Venis 38 22
Lor’nai’da Intaín 90 27
Heritio Korosha 38 19
Yatalra Koroshia 4 1

2023-2025 Ludikiari Makeup by Province

Number of Contested Lupriari Seats by Incumbent Party

The Center Coalition (LS) - 6 Lupriaris
Democratic Federation (ML) - 15 Lupriaris
Demands of the People (SV) - 8 Lupriaris
The Left Coalition (LI) - 15 Lupriaris
One Heritage (HK) - 11 Lupriaris
Faith First (YKK) - 0 Lupriaris

Only Class I Lupriaris are up for election, there are 55.

Class One Lupriaris and the office of the Krauanaet will be on the federal ballot in November. Petitioning for national ballot measures has been open since September 13 and will remain open until October 11, ballots will be finalized by October 16 to permit for the legally mandated early voting period. Early voting begins on October 18, and will end on November 4.

Current Krauanaet Polling Data (11/3/2024)

Candidate Favorability Net Favorability % Vote For % Change
Zharan 49% +2 6.20% -8.60%
Lithin 57% +26 23.40% +1.00%
Taarek 59% +23 23.10% +2.30%
Renkara 62% +28 23.90% +0.90%
Kairn 51% +20 7.80% +3.10%
Dukvin 47% -5 12.80% +2.10%

If no candidate receives over 50.01% of the vote, each candidate with 15.00% or more of the vote will proceed to a second round of voting on November 16.

Current Legislative Polling Data

Current Legislative Polling Data (as of 10/4/2024)

Party Projected Magistrates Projected Lupriaris
Lor’nai’da Sentro (LS) 53 (+6) 20 (+5)
Mitallarai Lor’nai’da’tarsil (ML) 75 (-8) 21 (-5)
Soliranas te ti Venis (SV) 58 (+20) 32 (+10)
Lor’nai’da Intaín (LI) 78 (-12) 21 (-6)
Heritio Korosha (HK) 30 (-8) 15 (-4)
Yatalra Koroshia (YKK) 6 (+2) 1 (+/-)

Magistrate Distribution Map

Official Ballot Measures

Prop. 1 - Military Oversight and Transparency

Requires an independent civilian committee to review military operations during times of war, with quarterly public reports.

Prop. 2 - Ban on Single-Use Plastics

Prohibits the sale and distribution of single-use plastic products nationwide by 2026.

Prop. 3 - National Minimum Wage Proposal

Raises the federal minimum wage to ₭20.70/hour from ₭13.35/hour and ties future increases to inflation.

Prop. 4 - Executive Emergency Powers Amendment

Restricts the Krauanaet’s power to declare national emergencies without legislative approval after 90 days. (After 90 days, the Krauanaet must seek Ludoraiya approval for further emergency funds.)

Prop. 5 - Provincial Self-Determination

Grants provinces greater autonomy, specifically, over environmental policy, public health mandates, and taxation.

Prop. 6 - War Powers Amendment

Proposes limiting the duration of executive emergency powers during wartime, requiring Ludoraiya approval for deployments lasting over six months. After six months the Krauanaet must seek an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF).

Prop. 7 - Term Limits for the Office of Krauanaet

Limit the Krauanaet to two consecutive terms, or 12 total accumulated years.

Source: Federal Elections Commission


Krauanaet SNAP Live Results

Name Affiliation Provinces Won Votes For Percentage
Lyra Zharan :heavy_check_mark: projected to qualify LI 1 (LV) 12,853,853 18.35%
Selvan Kairn will not qualify LS 0 5,076,826 7.25%
Taaayya Lithin :heavy_check_mark: projected to qualify LI 3 (LK, KG, LL) 25,445,679 36.32%
Lurik Taarek will not qualify ML 2 (ZT, KZ) 8,700,151 10.16%
Thalira Renkara :heavy_check_mark: projected to qualify SV 3 (KA, PK, PI) 17,576,491 25.09%
Zarys Dukvin will not qualify HK 2 (MG, MT) 1,979,717 2.83%
TOTAL VOTES - 11/11 70,056,491 -
Last Update: 11:47 FST, Nov. 12, 99.78% of precincts reporting

Runoff Election for Krauanaet: A Crucial Moment for Krauanagaz

As Krauanagaz approaches the decisive runoff election for Krauanaet, citizens across the Federation are preparing to cast their votes to determine the nation’s future leadership. This pivotal moment follows a highly contested general election, where no candidate secured the majority required for an outright win.

Krauanaet SNAP Runoff Live Results

Name Affiliation Provinces Won Votes For Percentage
Lyra Zharan LI 0 0 0.00%
Taaayya Lithin LI 0 0 0.00%
Thalira Renkara SV 0 0 0.00%
TOTAL VOTES - 0/11 - -

Runoff Election Date: November 23

  • KG, LK, KA, and ZT polls open until 9pm.
  • MT, MG, KZ polls open until 9:30pm
  • LL, LV, PK, and PI polls open until 10pm

Federal Ballot Measures (Final)
Number % for % against Passed?
Prop 1 - Military Oversight and Transparency 86.2% :heavy_check_mark: 13.8% Yes
Prop 2 - Ban Single-use Plastics 69.0% :heavy_check_mark: 31.0% Yes
Prop 3 - Increase Minimum Wage 74.7% :heavy_check_mark: 25.3% Yes
Prop 4 - Emergency Powers Amendment* 59.9% 40.1% :heavy_check_mark: No
Prop 5 - Expanded Provincial Independence* 28.6% 71.4% :heavy_check_mark: No
Prop 6 - War Powers Amendment* 60.3% :heavy_check_mark: 39.7% Yes
Prop 7 - Term Limit (2) for Krauanaet* 60.1% :heavy_check_mark: 39.9% Yes
Some measures, denoted with an asterisk *, require 60.0% to pass
Last Update: 17:50 FST, Nov. 22, 99.98% of precincts reporting

Ludikiari Final Results
Province Magistrates First Second Third
Krautallaz (KZ) 59 54.4% ML (42) 27.5% LS (17) 8.2% LI (0)
Zhzoatal (ZT) 64 47.3% ML (35) 43.7% HK (29) 4.1% YKK (0)
Luanapríg Lupriyra (LL) 11 61.7% LI (7) 21.4% LS (3) 11.1% ML (1)
Luanapríg Vellipriyra (LV) 31 50.9% LI (18) 37.8% SV (13) 6.1% LS (0)
Prital Inaria (PI) 7 39.4% SV (3) 34.9% ML (3) 20.7% LI (1)
Prital Kallaria (PK) 5 66.1% SV (3) 15.7% LI (1) 15.1% LS (1)
Krauana Lupriyra (KA) 46 60.3% SV (30) 16.8% LI (10) 10.5% LS (6)
Kevpríg (KG) 70 52.3% LI (42) 27.8% SV (21) 9.7% YKK (7)
Lutavaras Arkas (LK) 3 82.1% SV (3) 12.7% YKK (0) 3.1% LI (0)
Mitallpríg (MG) 2 63.8% HK (1) 19.8% ML (1) 16.1% SV (0)
Mitallzoatal (MT) 2 75.2% HK (2) 13.9% SV (0) 8.1% ML (0)

Zhirveniayyaka Results (Incomplete)

Northcountry (KZ, ZT, LL, LV)

Oops, you caught us! Nothing is here yet.

Central Krauanagaz (PI, PK, MG, MT)

Oops, you caught us! Nothing is here yet.

Southern Valleys (KA, KG)

Oops, you caught us! Nothing is here yet.

Star Islands Major (LK)

Oops, you caught us! Nothing is here yet.