Treecuu Star Empire,
Thoov Mandate,
J.F.S.S. Relentless
17/05/1620 PD
Aurelian looked upon the stars from his ready room as it transferred its last supplies near spaceport to the galactic northwest of Thoov. He was partly happy with the current assignment, but he still felt sceptical about it. He wished to protect his people’s realm. Not to explore long dead and uncolonized worlds, while barbarian tribes lingered from the southern border. His father had transferred him to the Joint Fleet. The Joint Fleet had commenced Operation Farsight, a large scale exploration effort to assess the territories to the northern Treecuu border. Anarchist elements had already been discovered, but the Treecuu Empire was interested in what lay beyond these pirates. The scum and villainy of the sector as Aurelian put it. There was a strategic sense to it. If the governments wished to intervene, an attack on two front would prove useful. Even if only to divert large scale forces. It was this type of thinking that his father wanted to change in Aurelian. King Andrei had seen the cost of total war and he wished that the future generation of Stoinian royalty would find a new Golden Path for the Stoinian people. One where the Stoinians become the most important power in the Sector, though not solely by overt military actions.
Aurelian was sent to learn to cooperate with different species. The Stoinian government had taken steps to strengthen their bond with the Treecuu and it had been a month or so since the Kontauri had been officially annexed. To that end, Aurelian received a brand new ship. The J.F.S.S. Relentless, a new Gagarin-class Exploration Cruiser within the 11th Squadron of the 4th Joint Fleet Division under Command of Vice Admiral Cristina Lupei. Lupei was a kind lady who enjoyed the mentor role she had for the young royalty, however his closest mentor would be a Limavuan. To protect his son, Commodore Tuuc, was his immediate Commanding Officer. Tuuc was the Captain who welcomed the Stoinian King and has since proven an effective tool for the Joint Exploration Fleet. The Treecuu benefitted from this as well, as Tuuc served as an incredible propaganda tool for the Treecuu Committee of Expansion.
It was then that Aurelian heard the ring of his ready room. He reaffirmed his stern militaristic stance and lifted his chin up as he turned around to stand behind his desk. The young 19-year old Stoinian Officer was certain to always look at his best, but the person coming through the door as it entered was not someone he had expected.
- “Enter.”
A young and small Terran come through the door. Aurelian masked his confusion well, there was something odd on this fellow. He wore the uniform of the Stoinian Royal Navy, but his hair was something new. It was as if it had a small crescent around it. Similar to aura’s depicted on Saints in Sinaian churches, but barely noticeable. The young lad, seemingly no older than Aurelian, stood at attention as he spoke.
- “Sire, Ensign Dius Virini. Reporting for duty.”
His name wasn’t Terran, but he was looking just like one. The confidence, the stance… It all looked so Terran to Aurelian. Yet… Sire. It was common knowledge for the Stoinian military to ignore noble titles address members of the royal family as either Sir or Ma’am. Aurelian decided to take this one step at a time. His accent was also quite unique. As if multiple Terran accents mashed together. He recognised Poltchkian and Elysian elements to it.
- “I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Terran with the name Dius Virini. Tell, do the outer colonies go by with new names now, Ensign?” The Ensign responded without a shed of confusion and with clarity.
- “Sire. I think you are mistaken. I’m Kontauri. Here you can see the details of the transfer Sire. I’m to act as a liaison and your assistant.”
Ah… That explained it. I probably shouldn’t forget the newest addition to our realm. Aurelian looked at the datapad. He knew the Kontauri would be integrated, but so soon? After mere months? Aurelian looked at the datapad and then handed it back over to Dius. He had questions for the young Kontauri.
- “Liaison you say? For the Kontauri military integration efforts I take it?”
- “Yes, Sire.”
The way he says it. Sire… With such devotion. Not even the Shikokans said it with such tone. Yet… How did this Kontauri learn our language so easily?
- “Well I’m glad to see things move to swiftly. Yet… I’m a bit perplexed, how did you learn our language so quickly?”
- “Ah. Well Sire, the late Emperor Molari uncovered ancient scriptures which formed the basis of the translation between our languages. It seems the Prophecy of Kavu came with a few safeguards. During the late Emperor’s reign, a select few of us were allowed to learn this language. I was a tutor-adoptive. Meaning that the Emperor adopted me to educate me. My noble House Virini was deeply honoured. I can’t express the honour I feel in this assignment, Sire. To stand side by side with the Great Caretaker’s own son.”
Aurelian puzzled the pieces together. This Prophecy of Kavu was nothing but a machination by a rogue Stoinian infiltration agent. It also explained how some of the Kontauri so easily adopted the English language.
- “I don’t suppose you were there when Emperor Molari challenged my father to a duel.”
- “Ah yes… The Muroga. I wasn’t there, but I’m told it was a duel of great prowess. Emperor Molari was a great man, but Emperor Andrei has proven himself. By both your laws as ours. I had a private conversation with him. I must say, I’m looking forward to become your eide de camp.”
Aurelian wasn’t sure what to think of it. A xeno as his aide… Why father? Why oh why do you make my life so difficult? How hard was it to find one out of the trillions of Stoinians? Aurelian smiled as he concealed his true feelings. It was a perk he had being part of the royal family at attending all the ceremonies.
- “It’s pronounce aide-de-camps. Perhaps you should have studied your Terrans languages more.”
- “I’m sorry to displease you, Sire. I’ll do my best to better my tongue.”
- “Another thing, Ensign. Don’t refer to me as Sire. In the Stoinian military we shed aside our noble titles, we’re all equals here. Do you understand?”
- “Not quite, Sire… You are noble-born. Born to rule and lead your subjects! We must acclaim you by your proper title, the laws demand it.”
- “And Stoinian law prohibits from noble marrying each other. It’s in that spirit that the Stoinian military treats ALL of its members as equals. Stoinian law has now become Kontauri law and you will abide it.”
Aurelian was sure to set this straight. He was to serve the Stoinian Star Kingdom from now on. Not the Kontauri. Aurelian said it with a certain venonimity to scare to Kontauri, but he was full of surprises. Without remorse he had adapted.
- “Yes, Sir! Of course, Sir!”
Aurelian was astonished at the Kontauri’s obedience. He enjoyed, but for now he would give Virini a chance. He had proven himself so far and if the Kontauri were to be finally integrated, then this must be the way.
- “Now, Ensign Virini. If you are to be my aide-de-camps, I think we should get you to know our new home.”
The duo left the ready room and Aurelian presented the new ship to the young Kontauri. Virini was utterly amazed and even Aurelian still looked with a certain awe at newly integrated Treecuu technology. For now, Virini showed promise… For a xeno…