Vote Drew Durrnil for PM!

You have acknowledged that Culture and Events was the highest priority issue in the most recent approval poll. On this front, do you think that your lack of experience (relative to your experience in more GP-centric areas) will be a hindrance in pursuing your own agenda in the upcoming term?

Not really, I have enough experience with culture to create my own agenda for this upcoming term and I can advise my MoC and MooSE to work out the finer details.

I have noticed that you are something of a “card enjoyer”. Do you foresee yourself being actively involved in advancing the SPACE Card program?

Yes, I will be heading the program.

Do you have people in mind for the Culture portfolios (on-site events, off-site events, roleplay, as you mentioned in your response to Henn)?

I have an internal shortlist for the ministers that I haven’t already decided on.

Do you think that reintroducing some sort of ambassadorship system would be useful? Why or why not?

An ambassador system could definitely help with day-to-day foreign affairs, and it’s a way to get people started in FA. The only issue is getting enough willing people to become ambassadors.

The current PM has expressed caution about the idea of using the Delegate to further the Coalition’s foreign policy[1]. In your view, is there any appropriate extent to which the Delegate can use their “soft power” in inter-regional relations without being seen as a political figure that is a conduit for the aims of the executive?

No, the delegate is kind of inherently tied to the executive branch of the Coalition.

Do you intend on reappointing Slab as MoFA, if he is keen on retaining his current post?

I reached out to him about becoming MoD and he declined all positions due to RL.

Relating to the current debate in the Assembly on amendments to the Military Code and Charter [2] - suppose that there is a fundamental disagreement between existing members of the Admiral Corps and yourself on some military issue. What would you do in that case?

My interpretation is that the MoD/PM if there isn’t an MoD is a member of the Admiralty, which is the supreme entity over the military. If there is a disagreement between the other Admirals and I, it will probably go to an internal vote/compromise.

The Delegate, in his re-election campaign [3], has expressed interest in taking on a bigger role in WA affairs. What do you think is the appropriate role of a Delegate in the WA?

I think the delegate should have at least some knowledge in WA affairs and be involved in engaging the gameside with the WA.

More generally, what are your plans for the OWL if elected?

I was thinking on getting someone from outside the region to become OWL Director, but I eventually decided on doing the job myself, including writing OWL recs and spearheading efforts to develop a WA culture in TSP.

You have mentioned that the F/S update has significantly reduced activity game-side in the region. In particular, it is an empirical fact that the number of nations in the region has fallen since the update. Do you think it is a priority for the region to stem this decline, or do you think that this would just be an exercise in futility?

I think we’ve already stemmed the decline-our region’s population has been steady for a few months now.

How open would you be to appointing newcomers into your prospective cabinet?

I’m very open-it’s great to have new people in government to help foster a new generation of TSP politicians.

Any thoughts on the state of the RMB?

It’s definitely declined since F/S-reviving culture/activity on the RMB is one of my priorities for the upcoming term.

Do you think that the Delegate’s avowed cakeism threatens the freedom to choose one’s own dessert?


I see a few goals per portfolio but I’m not sure I see a vision for the region beyond just continuing work that is already underway (which seems to be the case for foreign affairs and defence). What does the South Pacific look like under your premiership and how to you plan to rally the region to make that happen?

My vision for the South Pacific is for it to be a paragon of NS regions-a region with an overwhelmingly positive reputation throughout NS and one that people move to instead of leave. I’m planning to execute this by boosting activity through several fronts-the RMB/gameside, offsite, and defense and getting our new spawns to successfully integrate into our region.

I gather that means you plan to appoint yourself to the position. On my read of the Charter, you would be well within your legal rights to do so. But why do you think it is appropriate and / or necessary? At least in RL, it’s not unprecedented for Prime Ministers to also fill Cabinet posts, but usually it occurs in times of government crisis (I believe Churchill appointed himself Minister of Defense during World War II). Concentrated authority has its advantages, but also carries risks. Why do you think that balance weighs in favor of the PM assuming a key Cabinet position?

As I said, I originally wanted to nominate Slab for the position but he declined. I believe that despite the risks involved, me assuming the role of MoD where I have experience at helps me more efficiently execute my agenda.

On a more quotidian note, will you be submitting your nomination of yourself as MoD for approval by the Assembly?

The charter states that the PM can take the duties of MoD without appointing a minister, so no.

What exactly do you mean by this? In what sense might our rank requirements not be at par with the rest of military gameplay?

Among other things, with the creation of Brimstone (essentially an autoban script) triggers need to be set more precisely than before to prevent raiders from getting extra bans in. Backstage discussions are currently underway about changing the rank requirements as the current ones are becoming increasingly insufficient with frontiers/new R/D scripts.

More generally, what do you think is the appropriate / optimal working relationship between the PM and Delegate in their respective roles of head of government and head of state? Do you plan to consult with the Delegate on your policy proposals–something along the lines of the UK Monarch’s “advise and warn” function–or do you see the roles as essentially separate, i.e., the Delegate does their job and you do yours?

I see the Delegate as the gameside head of TSP and a key figure in regional security-they are tasked with gameside/RMB culture, onsite integration, and maintaining a security apparatus that keeps our region safe from threats. I plan to work with the Delegate on these and have them involved with the execution of some of my on-site culture agenda.

Congratulations on your election as Prime Minister!