Those Who Border Us (1 BBT)

The HC was not going to tell them about the Crystals- Safarkran and Mosarkran. He decided to leave them out of the explanation.

“We generate a lot of energy that expands space in the opposite direction and contracts it in the direction we want to go, in a wave-like manner, like an aerodynamic object on a planet with an atmosphere.”

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Captain Salon nodded.

“I believe that is the same main principle behind our drives.”

Yoom nodded along as well, then spoke up.

“An important part of these exploratory missions is sharing astrographical data and plot the territories of each nation. Would that be apossibility?”

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Erran thought for a moment. “Currently,” he started, “The protocol seems to be to give out the information of our borders, but not our systems during a first contact. And that information would be all I personally would be comfortable without the express consent of the Imperö.”

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“Of course. Respecting borders is of paramount importance, despite our little incursion today.” Yoom smiled. “We will of course share our borders.”