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Nuclear detonation in Frastinia sparks sanctions and re-sparks discussion of the TPNW

MARTHA MASTROTSI Pzarya, Pzarya, Rhayna
Published Saturday, March 23, 2024

Yesterday, in an unpredictable move, a nuclear detonation was realized in the city of Monarque in Akarina, over civilian population, killing 70 thousand and more in the next days.

Romanos Kanidis made an announcement in press roll to all public television channels, stating, “All families of Rhayna can stay calm,”

“Our nation is far enough from the explosion to not be affected, added to this, the Cordillera mountain range stands between us and the winds. Our professionals will be monitoring the radiation levels in Northern Nea-gy in case the fallout somehow arrived here.”

“We have placed absolute and unsurmountable sanctions on all resources on the nation of Akarina and frozen the few Akarinan assets in Rhaynan banks for the irresponsible use of nuclear weapons, and the indiscriminate genocide of thousand of men, women, and children. We will also support Gianatla and any nation in the World Forum in any resolution against this war crime and the people responsible.”

“Whoever, we would like to remind that, if there were proper measures against the fabrication, distribution, and use of weapons of mass destruction, this tragedy could have been avoided. Now we have to cope with the consequences.”

“If any nation, group, or person, had any doubts to this day about the abolition of weapons of civilian extermination, this is a good event from where to take notes and rethink if this is the correct path for the international community, or if we are betraying our citizens and common sense for the sake of fear.”