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Jakubian coup d’état in progress in southern Crabry leaves many Rhaynan politic experts “less than surprised”

MARTHA MASTROTSI Pzarya, Pzarya, Rhayna
Published Sunday, November 19, 2023

In the last hours, reports from the Democratic Republic of Jakub seem to point to a more than likely coup d’état by a portion of the military forces of the nation.

However, most of the Rhaynan professionals who just started overseeing the situation since the introduction of foreign forces into the conflict have stated that this “isn’t a surprising development of the situation”.

In words of Chryssa Spiteroglou, “even though the foreign forces aren’t responsible directly in the slightest of the situation in Jakub, their military presence, added to the already extended presence of Jakubian military forces for months, have definitely not helped to a possible resolution of the conflict”.

“[…] Without taking in account the already extensive and complex problems the Jakubian republic faces, it was a question of time for the situation to go out of control, specially since it didn’t seem to approach a resolve. Now is even less likely”.

The Rhaynan Central Government hasn’t stated much about the situation. More worryingly, they haven’t stated any kind of solution for civilians in Jakub, as it would be expected. This follows a series of apathetic reactions to international crises, like the reactivation of the NAGB-Romordian conflict and the terrorist situation in Keanu and Hurley.

The minister of economy has told in a press roll that, "we didn’t have many economic relations with the nation to start with, and all Rhaynan citizens were evacuated long ago. Depending on how the situation develops, and who ends victorious, we may or may not stablish sanctions on the nation for good measure".