The Iron Century

I do wanna preface this by saying that Emerald was involved after 1956 as well, just so everyone knows.

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I’m interested in doing a project regarding lore expansion on this at some point in the future. Those are good points.

The Method

  1. Assess damages caused by the GW.
  2. Assess possible non-imperialist arising ideologies.
    2-b. The arising ideologies are caused by how different countries chose to deal with the economic and human catastrophe of it.
    –If the damage is completely felt by everyone, +20 years into the future, arising ideologies would be the ones where countries managed to recover the quickest.
    –If the damage is only somewhat felt by everyone, the leading Allied powers would eventually be left in what would be analogous to post-Napoleonic Europe.
    —From there, “blocks” would be the leading Ally Powers in the GW attempting to form coalition blocs.

My thoughts as of now are to deduce how much impact the GW had on living standards and how long it took for them to rebuild and how.


The highlighted “blocks” would likely stem from:
A. Economic policy divergences
B. Idea of what a states role is in its society.
C. How each of A and B intersect to form what I was talking about in my first reply in relation to the cultural-social changes.


Eventually, a model which: places emphasis on autarky, “nanny state” | “nightwatch-man state”, pretty liberal social policies.


I guess I could break these down into like a quizz, such as the ones we’ve had before with Pronouns Index and all.