Ounser Heemat

Sugovian News Network

Protests in Tossalinn turned violent, police dispatched

January 22, 2023
Friedrik Hussein

Tossalinn - Violent protests, which are part of a much larger Elbonian ultranationalist and separatist protest that were caused by the arrests of Free Elbonia Movement members of the South Elbonian Congress, occured in Tossalinn yesterday, on January 21. Protesters vandalized public property and desecrated several important buildings. The situation became bleak when local police were unable to maintain law and order.

The central government dispatched heavily armed police to aid the local Tossalinn police and were greeted with violence by the protesters. The crowd would be dispersed with tear gas and water cannons later in the evening. This is the first time in the entirety of the ongoing crisis, where police uses necessary violence to subdue protesters. Around 24 protesters and 2 police officers were injured.


Following the event, several members of FEM used the dispersing of protesters as “…another blatant act of silencing the voice of the Elbonian people.” and calls for its supporters to “…continue the struggle against statist tyranny.” However, several members of FEM felt disappointed that their party continues to galvanize support for the unrest instead of focusing on easing the tensions, and many blamed the violence on FEM’s continued insistence of the “…Elbonian cause.” Rumors have been spreading that many moderates plan on leaving FEM and start a new, much more moderate Elbonian party.

There is also worry in the air that the government might ban FEM for the recent outbreak in violence, as well as placing South Elbonia in lockdown over violence. These rumors are denied by the government.