Ounser Heemat

Ounser Heemat

Ounser Heemat (Austral: Our Homeland) is an independent news provider in Sugovia, operating from its headquarters in Gouldenkaap, province of Sunland.

Logo of Ounser Heemat since 1989


Sugovian News Network

Sugovia celebrates 87 years of Independence

October 10, 2022
John Mayer

Riverion - Sugovia celebrates its 87th year of Independence today on October 10, 2022. The celebration included the singing of the national anthem and several other events.


Sugovian News Network

Troops deployed in Rycco-Sugovian border

October 15, 2022
Muhammad Razi

Wesskleef - The recent escalation of fighting between an international coalition and the Ryccian junta has created fears in Sugovia of a Ryccian invasion. Currently, around 5000 Sugovian and 900 Weissersteiner troops are stationed on the Ryccian border, with 2 more battalions being redirected into the area.

The deployment of troops was announced by president Muhammad Malik hours after the attacks on Hai Men and other parts of Huawan. The President declare the deployment of troops are to protect Sugovia from a sudden Ryccian invasion.


Sugovian News Network

Mayor of Kossnakkt hit with an egg

October 24, 2022
Zeynel Abidin

Kossnakkt - The mayor of Kossnakkt, Lesser Sugovia, Fredrik Ali, was hit with an egg thrown by an angry protestor on October 24. This came after the mayor was allegedly given 55,000 Serren by an unknown backer to evict residents from their houses in order to create empty lands in Kossnakkt for a new infrastucture project. Currently, the Provincial Court of Lesser Sugovia plans on investigating the case further before giving any sentences to the mayor.

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Sugovian News Network

Fire in Lodenborg kills 2, wounded others

October 28, 2022
Muhammad Razi

Lodenborg - A fire in the city of Lodenborg, province of Morhaven, has caused the death of 2 individuals, with more wounded, especially due to collateral damage.The fires were believed to have been from a cooking gas explosion in one of the residents’ house.

The fire brigades, local medical teams, and the police have successfully evacuated the area around the southern suburbs and saved several of the wounded, bringing them to the nearest hospitals.


Sugovian News Network

South Elbonian parliament brawls after MPs disrespect the Sugovian flag

December 17, 2022
John Mayer

Rodenne - Fighting occurred in the Provincial Senate of Elbonia between the nationalist Internal Sugovian Revolutionary Organization (ISRO) and the secessionist Free Elbonia Movement (FEM) after members of the latter disrespected the Sugovian flag by pouring water on it.

What started as a debate regarding provincial autonomy and unification of North and South Elbonia turned violent when two members of FEM put up the flag of Elbonia while singing the anthem of the Elbonian Empire. This prompted two members of Democratic Solidarity (DS) to hold up the flag of Sugovia whilst singing the Sugovian anthem, at this point one of the FEM MPs opened a water bottle and poured water all over the Sugovian flag and splash it on the Democrats.

This action would prompt other members of FEM to pour water on the Sugovian flag, whilst chanting anti-Sugovian slogans. The escalation would turn into a brawl when a member of ISRO threw an empty water bottle at one of the FEM MPs who were holding the Elbonian flag. Other members of ISRO would follow suit, either by throwing empty water bottles or jumbled up paper at the FEM MPs.

However, the moment this back-and-forth became a brawl was when a member of FEM forcefully grabbed the Sugovian flag, threw it at the floor, poured water on it, and stepped over the flag. This action would turn the parliamentary session into a brawl, and would aggravate the Democrats and the other parties in parliament, who had been cautiously and silently observing the situation up until that point.

After a fierce 5 minutes of brawling, Sugovian police would eventually break up the fighting. It was reported that 7 Members of the Provincial Senate (3 from FEM, 3 from ISRO, 1 from DS) were rushed to the hospital.

Sugovian News Network

South Elbonian MPs arrested following desecration of Sugovian flag

December 18, 2022
John Mayer

Rodenne - Following the brawl within the Provincial Senate of Sugovia, 3 Elbonian MPs were arrested for desecration of the Sugovian flag, all 3 are members of the Free Elbonia Movement.

Under Sugovian laws, those who desecrate any national symbol of Sugovia could be arrested for up to 8 months to even 1 year depending on severity, and in this case, all 3 MPs will be barred from running for political offices, including parliament.

FEM spokesperson, Jœkim Dævid, commented on the arrests on behalf of FEM, calling it “trampling on freedom of speech, and freedom of expression.” His comments spark criticism as he once called for those who desecrate the Elbonian flag to “be shot at sight.” Many called FEM as hypocrites.


Sugovian News Network

Protest erupts in Rodenne following arrest of Elbonian MPs

December 19, 2022
Zeynel Abidin

Rodenne - 1000 Protesters gathered in the Hekkel-Soidde Aelbonnelannde capital of Rodenne to protest the arrest of 3 Elbonian MPs, all of whom are members of the Free Elbonian Movement. The protesters demand the release of the 3 MPs, more autonomy towards the province, unification with Nordde Aelbonnelannde, and some even calling outright independence.

In the North Elbonian capital of Klieefstad, pro-Sugovian factions warned that protests in Kliefstaad will be met with counter-protest ten times fold. Hekkel and other major cities on Soidde Aelbonnelannde are at risk of also succumbing to protests, according to the current Governor of Hekkel-Soidde Aelbonnelannde.

Police have been dispatched to keep the protesters at bay, many fear that their presence might fuel the tensions however.

Members of the Free Elbonia Movement had also came out calling for their supporters to protest against “…a blatant act of silencing the voice of everyday Elbonians.” Other groups, such as the designated terrorist organization Elbonian National Army, had also voiced their support for the protests.


Sugovian News Network

Protests in Kliefstaad met with larger counter-protest

December 20, 2022
John Mayer

Kliefstaad - The protests in Hekkel-Soidde Aelbonnelannde have spilled over into neighboring Klief-Nordde Aelbonnelannde. One of those protest, which occured in the administrative capital of Kliefstaad, was answered with a much larger counter-protest by pro-Sugovian protesters.

At least 11000 counter-protesters came to greet the 1000 protesters just outside Kliefstaad City Square, a smaller 500 protesters was met with 4000 counter-protesters outside of the Provincial Senate of Nordde Aelbonnelannde.

Police units have been dispatched into Kliefstaad and Rodenne alongside other major cities in both Elbonias.


Sugovian News Network

Protests in Tossalinn turned violent, police dispatched

January 22, 2023
Friedrik Hussein

Tossalinn - Violent protests, which are part of a much larger Elbonian ultranationalist and separatist protest that were caused by the arrests of Free Elbonia Movement members of the South Elbonian Congress, occured in Tossalinn yesterday, on January 21. Protesters vandalized public property and desecrated several important buildings. The situation became bleak when local police were unable to maintain law and order.

The central government dispatched heavily armed police to aid the local Tossalinn police and were greeted with violence by the protesters. The crowd would be dispersed with tear gas and water cannons later in the evening. This is the first time in the entirety of the ongoing crisis, where police uses necessary violence to subdue protesters. Around 24 protesters and 2 police officers were injured.


Following the event, several members of FEM used the dispersing of protesters as “…another blatant act of silencing the voice of the Elbonian people.” and calls for its supporters to “…continue the struggle against statist tyranny.” However, several members of FEM felt disappointed that their party continues to galvanize support for the unrest instead of focusing on easing the tensions, and many blamed the violence on FEM’s continued insistence of the “…Elbonian cause.” Rumors have been spreading that many moderates plan on leaving FEM and start a new, much more moderate Elbonian party.

There is also worry in the air that the government might ban FEM for the recent outbreak in violence, as well as placing South Elbonia in lockdown over violence. These rumors are denied by the government.

2023 Sugovian election results - everything you need to know

February 22, 2023
Ahmad Farsi

Riverion - In early February, Sugovians went to the ballots to elect the next president and vice president of Sugovia, as well as to vote for their preferred party in the Volksstage. Today, the results of the 2023 General Elections have been released in its entirety.

Incumbent president Mohammad Malik (DS) won his reelection campaign alongside his running mate Faisal Mubarak (SVP), winning around 58% of the vote, compared to the main opposition candidate for president Ali Ahmed (RB) and vice president Jamal Mullah (APS), who won around 27% of the votes.

The victory of President Malik and Vice President Mubarak was also followed by a sizeable majority in the Volksstage, with the ruling government coalition securing 396 of the 628 seats in the Volksstage. The coalition is made up of Democratic Solidarity (DS), the Sugovian People’s Party (SVP), the Royal Democratic Party (KDP), and the New Sugovian Democrats (NSD). Meanwhile the opposition is made up of the Republic Movement (RB), the Labor Party of Sugovia (APS), and the Freedom Party of Sugovia (FPS).