Statements of Krauanagazan Government Officials and Offices

Temiprizhirven te ti Krauanaet

Office of the Krauanaet

Official Statment
For Immediate Release

Over the last nine days, police in Zhzoatal Province have been detaining peaceful demonstrators en masse without sufficient charge. The mass detaining of peaceful protestors is contrary to everything our proud nation stands for. I urge Governor Solara to reconsider the policing strategies that are being deployed against the Krauanagazan people in Zhzoatal. Additionally I, in the strongest of terms, condemn the actions alleged in a series of reports the Department of Justice has received over the last nine days regarding the abuse, and mistreatment of individuals in police custody in Zhzoatal province. The DoJ will conduct thorough investigations into each allegation. My administration does not take accusations of abuse and brutality lightly, any individuals found to be guilty of misconduct will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The right to protest is a pillar of Krauanagazan society, I will do everything in my power to prevent its erosion.


Lyra Zharan

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