Statements of Krauanagazan Government Officials and Offices

Enário te Temivenzhir

Department of State
Press Release on Unannounced Missile Launches by Mitallduk
For Immediate Release

The Krauanagaz Department of State expresses deep concern and frustration over the recent unannounced missile launches by the Mitallduk Confederacy breaching our airspace. These actions, involving the firing of five missiles from mainland Mitallduk, pose a serious threat to regional stability and demonstrate a blatant disregard for established diplomatic protocols.

The Kraudukra Sea region has been on edge due to escalating tensions, and the unannounced missile launches only serve to exacerbate an already delicate situation. The Krauanagaz Federation views this act as a provocative and irresponsible move by Mitallduk, raising questions about their commitment to peaceful coexistence and adherence to international norms.

Nations must communicate openly and transparently, especially in areas of geopolitical sensitivity. The unannounced missile launches heighten the risk of misunderstanding and undermine the trust necessary for diplomatic resolutions.

The Krauanagaz Department of State demands an immediate explanation from the Mitallduk Confederacy regarding the motivation behind these missile launches and insists on transparent communication moving forward. Such actions jeopardize the safety of vessels in the Kraudukra Sea and escalate tensions in an already fragile region.

We call upon the international community to condemn Mitallduk’s unilateral actions and urge them to engage in diplomatic dialogue to de-escalate the situation. The Krauanagaz Federation remains committed to peaceful resolutions and regional stability, and we expect our neighbors to uphold the same principles.


Enário te Temivenzhir
Secretary Darius Korin