Resignation statement


There is nothing in the law change that made participating in the Assembly any more difficult. The only thing that changed was voting (every three months) in elections measures citizenship vs. making more than half the votes in a given month.

Arguably, the bar to participate was lowered rather than raised.

To your next point on executive accountability… Assembly supremacy is still very much a thing. The Assembly still holds exclusive legislative authority, still holds confirmation authority over all nominees, maintains whatever oversight abilities it had before the changes, even maintains the ability to recall any official in the Coalition, and is still the only authority the CRS cannot lawfully interfere within a state of emergency.

The only thing the Assembly lost were the nations that voted and did nothing else (and they haven’t even been lost yet) to maintain overall citizenship in the region.

We, as a region, must always be vigilant of attempts to undermine democracy in the region, but we shouldn’t do so in a way that makes us not try new things. If it doesn’t work, we can always try another path.

Also, not to throw your voting record out here, but you did vote for the PM appointment omnibus, which is arguably a lot more dangerous a change than a tweak to where activity is measured. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am sad to see a legislator resign over what I believe is a misinterpretation of the law, but I must give credit to being principled about it! I truly do hope you remain active within the region and provide your voice to the debate! (You do not need to be a member of the Assembly to debate, only to vote!)