Question for the Nation below you

I can’t quite decide which one I like the best but it’s either mac and cheese or spaghetti carbonara

BN, Android or iOS?

Math or English

Gay or Trans

My lawyer suggests i do not answer LGBTQ related questions

BN, what are you studying if in uni? If not what would you like to study?


I need to learn why we limit ourselves I need to learn why aren’t we at the future yet

BN how much posts do you have on the rmb

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The number of all my posts in TSP using my several nations added together is around 4,800

How many nations has BN created on NationStates until now?

Only 1 - This one
What is BN’s opinion on
both socks on then both shoes on
one sock, then one shoe, and repeat?

Since I put my socks on in my room and my shoes at the door, I prefer two socks then two shoes.

There was this ‘ice cream shop’ on the road when I went to china recently. It sold something like ‘hot ice cream’ or something… it looks like an ice cream and tastes similar but it is not cold. What does BN think this food should be called? Hot ice cream or just ‘Cream’ or?

ICE CREAM v1.2.1: Heat Adjustment Update
BN what is the best desert?


From cake, pie and ice cream? Then I choose cake. But normally I like some small fruit like tangerines.

BN, favorite TSP WA Delegate you have talked with?


Honestly it was when the glory days of Amerion, when the RMB was very lively. Don’t hate me for that… I just miss a lively RMB. Or life’s just too bland, busy, and unimaginative now as compared to life back then.

BN, what’s your favorite Dystopia?

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This world, at this moment.

BN, rice or noodles?

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Well, I live in a rice country but… noodles
Yeah, I just love them
BN, do you like Franz Ferdinand?

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Honestly I don’t know who franz ferdinand is

I don’t know if I am allowed to ask something this political, but
BN, what are your thoughts on the current Griffinor/Ebonhand Delegacy?

I have to say that the current delegacy which I am sure is working and doing beautiful - beautiful things that they want to do and that they plan to do and will do and I think that you know… they got elected as they got elected, they were the popular choice and you know, the popular choice is the popular choice even if it is not the unpopular choice and you know I also took a choice because I am a responsible citizen and you know, choices

So that’s my opinion

BN, do you believe in the Illuminati?

I have no idea what are those besides that funny one-eyed triangle. Therefore, I cannot give an opinion or even believe them. Sorry.

BN, what’s Illuminati?

Depends on who’s asking, brother.

BN, Who is the best general in history according to you?

As a South Korean, I could say Yi Sun-Shin of the Joseon Dynasty, playing a huge role defending in a war against Japanese invaders. Honestly, I don’t know many historical generals.

BN, any silly things you have done recently that you’d like to share?

I read an Alan Dean Foster book, and had to stare at a wall every now and then to cleanse my eyes.

BN, what’s your opinion on Pythagoras Theorem?