Pasture™ (Social Media Network)



Established in 1977 in the wake of Krauanagaz’s civil war, Kraudukra Free News emerged as a beacon of truth and accountability, navigating the complex socio-political landscape with an unwavering dedication to freedom of the press. Despite its left bias, KFN is committed to fair and unbiased reporting. Journalists at KFN adhere to rigorous standards of accuracy and impartiality, ensuring that news consumers receive a well-rounded understanding of events and issues.

BREAKING: Sporadic clashes erupt in Western Mitallduk involving Krauanagazan, Emeraldian, and Zuhlgani forces. Reports of heavy fighting in several areas.

This is a developing story.

#kfninternational #breakingnews #kfnmilitary

172.4k likes 251 comments

Zak Adebesi


Zak Adebesi is a KFN correspondent covering Krauanagazan politics and domestic news.

BREAKING: Thousands of classified Emeraldian documents have been published on Wikileaks! Sifting through the data as we speak.

#cordiliancrisis #breakingnews #zuhlgan

282.1k likes 273 comments



The official account of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan.

Zuhlgan categorically rejects any attempt by external powers to impose governance on the Mitallduk Confederacy without the express consent of its people. The current situation in Mitallduk is undoubtedly complex, but it is fundamentally a matter for the Mitalldukish people and their legitimate representatives to resolve—not for international bodies to dictate terms under the guise of peacekeeping.

Zuhlgan has always acted with the utmost restraint and in accordance with international law. Our actions in Southern Cordilia aim to contain the conflict’s impact on our borders and ensure our citizens’ safety. To impose sanctions on Zuhlgan is a blatant attempt to shift blame onto those who are working tirelessly to stabilize the region. The Mitallduk crisis requires regional solutions that involve all stakeholders, including neighboring countries like Zuhlgan and Krauanagaz. Heavy-handed international interventions will only inflame tensions and prolong the suffering of the Mitalldukish people.

We urge the World Forum to recognize the complexities on the ground and to support efforts that genuinely reflect the will of the Mitalldukish people.

:link: #hdzforeignaffairs #nationalsecurity #mitallduk

128.9k likes 579 Comments

Alara Kiryani


Alara Kiryani is a KFN correspondent covering Krauanagazan politics and international news.

BREAKING: According to multiple sources inside Magistrates’ offices, the Ludikiari is coming into session today to deliberate and vote on a resolution that declares war on Zuhlgan. Stay alert for more updates…

#cordiliancrisis #breakingnews #krauanagaz

402.0k likes 1,593 comments

Alara Kiryani


Alara Kiryani is a KFN correspondent covering Krauanagazan politics and international news.

BREAKING: The Ludikiari has officially entered session and debates are heating up. Reports indicate that high-ranking officials are split on the issue of war. Defense Secretary Haratal N’gevayya advocates for immediate military action, while others are still pushing for diplomacy. Sources say this will be a long session… stay tuned for more.

#cordiliancrisis #ludikiarivote #krauanagaz

541.8k likes 2,108 comments

Alara Kiryani


Alara Kiryani is a KFN correspondent covering Krauanagazan politics and international news.

UPDATE: A draft resolution to declare war has been introduced in the Ludikiari. Initial reports suggest that the resolution includes provisions for naval expansion in the Gulf of Good Omen and enhanced air patrols. Diplomats continue to urge caution, but military action is gaining support.

#cordiliancrisis #ludikiarivote #krauanagaz

689.2k likes 3,122 comments

Zak Adebesi


Zak Adebesi is a KFN correspondent covering Krauanagazan politics and domestic news.

BREAKING: Sources say the Ludikiari vote is imminent. Senior officials are reportedly urging unity, but tensions are high. Protests are starting to form outside the Capitol building as the nation waits for the decision. Will Krauanagaz enter the war? Updates coming soon…

:link: #cordiliancrisis #warvote #krauanagaz

892.4k likes 4,786 comments

Alara Kiryani


Alara Kiryani is a KFN correspondent covering Krauanagazan politics and international news.

UPDATE: Heated exchanges in the Zhirveniayyaka as members debate the resolution. Proponents of the war declaration argue that Krauanagaz must respond decisively to Zuhlgan’s aggression, while opponents caution that the nation could be drawn into a prolonged conflict. The vote is expected to happen soon.

#cordiliancrisis #zhirveniayyaka #krauanagaz

1.4m likes 9,112 comments

Alara Kiryani


Alara Kiryani is a KFN correspondent covering Krauanagazan politics and international news.

BREAKING: The Zhirveniayyaka is moving toward a vote on the war resolution. The sole YKK Lupriari had been filibustering in opposition to the resolution, prolonging the proceedings. Security has been redoubled around the Capitol building due to massive protests. The atmosphere is tense, with both supporters and critics of the war decision awaiting the outcome.

#cordiliancrisis #zhirveniayyaka #krauanagaz

1.5m likes 10.7k comments

Alara Kiryani


Alara Kiryani is a KFN correspondent covering Krauanagazan politics and international news.

BREAKING: The Zhirveniayyaka has APPROVED the war resolution with a narrow margin, it was signed by Zharan shortly afterward. Krauanagaz is now officially at war with Zuhlgan. The government is expected to address the public shortly, outlining the next steps. This marks a historic turning point in the Cordilian Crisis.

#cordiliancrisis #zhirveniayyaka #krauanagazatwar

1.8m likes 16.2k comments

Alara Kiryani


Alara Kiryani is a KFN correspondent covering Krauanagazan politics and international news.

Sources inside the Krauanagazan military indicate that preparations for a major naval operation are underway in the Gulf of Good Omen. Speculation is swirling about a coordinated strike on Zuhlgani positions in the Okhoa Protectorate. Details are scarce.

:link: #cordiliancrisis #okhoaprotectorate #krauanagaznavy

1.5m likes 11.2k comments

Renik Faldar


Renik Faldar is an independent journalist covering conflicts/wars and other military news in Cordilia and Crabry.

BREAKING: Zuhlgani Zallek-class submarines spotted in multiple positions along Krauanagaz’s western coastline. Possible threat of long-range missile strikes if the conflict deepens.

:link: #gulfcrisis #krauanagazatwar #zuhlgannavy

1.5m likes 9,302 comments



Global Watch Network (GW or GWN) is an international news media company based in Panata, Krauanagaz. It was founded in 1978 by a Krauanagazan Civil War veteran.

:warning: Reports from inside Ka’atria suggest that Okhoa separatist militants are seizing control of key roads, complicating the situation for Zuhlgani forces. Resistance groups reportedly growing more organized amid the escalating fighting.

:link: #gulfcrisis #krauanagazatwar #zuhlgannavy

807.4k likes 5,781 comments

Jeylan Mitarr


Jeylan Mitarr is a reporter for Krauanagaz RightVoice (KRV) covering international politics and wars.

BREAKING: Zuhlgani military spokesman warns that any further incursions into their “Security Zone” in the Gulf will be met with “unprecedented force.”

:link: #gulfcrisis #krauanagazatwar #zuhlgannavy

1.7m likes 10.5k comments

Renik Faldar


Renik Faldar is an independent journalist covering conflicts/wars and other military news in Cordilia and Crabry.

BREAKING: Fires burning across Yayyára after a barrage of missiles launched from Zuhlgan. Sirens blaring, civilians displaced. It’s chaos on the ground as military targets hit, but collateral damage everywhere. Escalation feels inevitable.

:link: #gulfcrisis #krauanagazatwar ##yayyaraattack

987.9k likes 2,691 comments

Alara Kiryani


Alara Kiryani is a KFN correspondent covering Krauanagazan politics and international news.

Elections coming up next month! Class I Lupriaris will be up for election in these places:

:link: #2024election #wartimepolitics #krauanagazelections

1.1m likes 9.8k comments

Renik Faldar


Renik Faldar is an independent journalist covering conflicts/wars and other military news in Cordilia and Crabry.

BREAKING: Reports of airspace violations as Krauanagazan drones have been spotted flying deep into Zuhlgani territory. Military sources claim these are intelligence-gathering operations. Allied forces are reportedly massing near strategic points along the Zuhlgani border. Krauanagazan military sources hint that “decisive action” may come within hours.

:link: #gulfcrisis #krauanagaz ##cordilia

1.1m likes 6,017 comments



Global Watch Network (GW or GWN) is an international news media company based in Panata, Krauanagaz. It was founded in 1978 by a Krauanagazan Civil War veteran.

Thalira Renkara (SV) just called out both major coalitions for “failing the people” during wartime. “We need leadership that puts citizens first, not war machines.” Crowd reaction is mixed.

:link: #krauanaetdebate #krauanagazelections #gwpolitics

387.7k likes 5,209 comments



Global Watch Network (GW or GWN) is an international news media company based in Panata, Krauanagaz. It was founded in 1978 by a Krauanagazan Civil War veteran.

:fire: Lithin (LI) with a strong rebuke: “Leadership means accountability. The Krauanagazan people deserve to know why their government rushed into war without a concrete strategy.” The room is tense.

:link: #krauanaetdebate #krauanagazelections #gwpolitics

517.1k likes 2,819 comments



Global Watch Network (GW or GWN) is an international news media company based in Panata, Krauanagaz. It was founded in 1978 by a Krauanagazan Civil War veteran.

Zharan pushing back hard on Lithin’s critiques, insisting the administration’s military strategy is “measured and necessary” given Zuhlgani threats. “We cannot afford hesitation in defense of our land.”

:link: #krauanaetdebate #krauanagazelections #gwpolitics

437.4k likes 6,537 comments