The Barrier Sounds Coastal Patrol is a dedicated unit within the Department of the Federal Coast Guard, that stands at the forefront of maritime security and safety along the Krauanagazan coasts and waters. As an integral component of the broader Department of the Federal Navy, this specialized patrol unit operates with a primary focus on monitoring and safeguarding the Gulf of Good Omen and the surrounding waters, particularly near the strategic regions of Kevprital and Pohnarras Islands. Tasked with addressing maritime threats, including piracy and smuggling, the Coastal Patrol employs advanced surveillance technologies, conducts regular patrols, and collaborates with other naval entities to maintain a secure maritime environment. They play a vital role in upholding Krauanagaz’s coastal defenses.
The Barrier Sounds Coastal Patrol (BSCP) confirms that an Izaakian container ship, operated by Polestar, has been hijacked by militants and brought offshore near Pohnarras Island. Following the incident, the entirety of the ship’s crew, with the exception of the Captain and First Officer, has been safely located adrift in the ship’s lifeboats.
The BSCP is actively coordinating with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) and the Joint Counter-terrorism Taskforce to ensure the safe return of the ship’s Captain and First Officer. Our priority remains the safety and well-being of all individuals involved, and we are deploying all available resources to facilitate their swift and secure return.
We urge all vessels in the vicinity to continue exercising caution and report any suspicious activities to the appropriate authorities. The BSCP is committed to maintaining maritime security and safeguarding the waters of the Barrier Sounds region.
Further updates on the situation will be provided as additional information becomes available.
For Emergencies Use VHF-FM Channel 12 (156.8 MHz), or Dial 111
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