National history survey

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<summary>Name of the nation</summary>
<summary>Name of the era</summary>
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<summary>Name of the era IV</summary>
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The Voodoo People’s Republic of Bruuma

The Native Age (6000 B.C. – 1666 C.E.)

Bruuma was first settled around 6.000 B.C. by tribes of hunter-gatherers. For thousands of years their descendants lived in villages scattered in the luscious forests of the island, practicing hunting and subsistence agriculture and frequently warring with each other.

The Colonial Age (1666 – 1942)

In 1666, Austral-speaking adventurers invaded the island and turned it into a colony of a transcontinental empire. The colonists developed extensive plantations and enslaved most of the natives, but introduced diseases wiped the latter all out by 1722. So, starting from 1697, they were replaced by tens of thousands of imported Afro-speaking slaves.

Slavery was eventually abolished in 1838, but segregation policies persisted and the country’s wealth remained in colonial hands. Nevertheless, a small elite of middle-class, school-educated Afro-Bruuman developed by the start of the XX° century. From 1918, independentist and equalist movements began to gain traction among the masses and in 1936 the first act of violent subversion against colonial authorities were recorded.

War of Independence (1942 – 1956)

In 1942, with the Motherland locked into a conflict in its own continent, the independentists took the chance to launch a proper guerrilla campaign. The three main rebel forces were: the Bruuma Voodoo People’s Liberation Front (BVPLF), the armed wing of the voodoo-communist Workers’ Mojo Party (WMP); the Popular Army for the Independence of Bruuma (PAIB), the armed wing of the socialist-democratic Popular Union for the Independence of Bruuma (PUIB), and the Christian messianic Rightful Movement for Equality and Justice (RiMoJE).

In 1945 Papa Unclepear became the leader of the BVPLF and, by gaining material support from foreign Communist powers, turned the group into the biggest rebel fighting force. After a prolonged and bloody conflict, which caused the flight of most of the colonists, the Motherland agreed to a peace treaty in 1956. Bruuma became independent on November 5th, but the BVPLF launched a coup and on the 8th established the Voodoo People’s Republic of Bruuma.

The Voodoo People’s Republic of Bruuma first era (1956-2012)

After crushing all internal dissent, Papa Unclepear took governing a country torn and impoverished by war. The first decade of the was marred by famines and only the unwavering support of the main Communist foreign power allowed the country to avoid collapse. Oil and gas offshore fields, discovered in 1962, were fully developed by 1967 and allowed the country’s finances to grow. Bruuma’s backer collapsed in 1991 and, deprived of its aid, the country was forced to diversify its economy, notably opening up to the tourism industry.

The Voodoo People’s Republic of Bruuma second era (2012-present)

In 2012, Bruuma began a new phase of more active interventionism. Its forces took part in several civil wars, including the Second Puerto Polloan War after which the tiny neighbour was annexed, first as a Protectorate and then as a Commonwealth.

In December 2017 Bruuma invaded the island of Sereva, part of the Republic of Erinor, in support of a local communist guerrilla. Bruuma withdrew from Sereva in 2018 after a peace deal was signed.

Bruuma also intervend in the Reizen Civil War, foguth between 2018 and 2020.

In 2020, Papa Unclepear retired, to die one year later, and Brother Unclepear took over with the title of Dear Leader.

The Socialist Republic of Kai Fa

Five States era (676 – 1271)

The first, Sinic-speaking inhabitants of Kai Fa arrived by sea in 676. Through time, five cities emerged among the others, forming the Five States of Tom Yam, Chau Fan, Ba Bao, Kong Bao and Tou Fu.

In 918 catastrophic floods swept across Kai Fa, destroying the fields and causing widespread famine. They signalled the beginning of an era of social and economic instability, marred by wars, revolts and disasters.

In 1216, the Tom Yam State had regained stability and prosperity and expanded southward either by war or marriage, until in 1271 Lo Char was crowned Emperor of Kai Fa in Tom Yam.

The First Empire (1271 – 1527)

The Empire flourished and the court in Tom Yam became a renowned centre of arts, literature, philosophy and sciences.

From 1378, a succession of weak Emperors followed, while powerful Ministries became the true rulers of the country. Famines and plagues, combined with high taxation, made resentment mount especially in the South.

The Won dynasty of Tou Fu rebelled in 1515, followed by most southern clans. In 1527, near the village of Dong Po, Emperor Lo Son was killed in battle and its army routed. The two sides created a new border on the river Er Kwai.

The Two Kingdoms (1527 - 1861)

The Northern Kingdom chose a conservative path: ruled by a landlord nobility and weak kings, it remained a centre for arts and traditional culture but lagged behind on economy and science.

The Southern Kingdom, ruled by warlike noble clans, developed vibrant crafts and merchant classes and became a regional sea power. In 1661, the Won dynasty ended and was succeeded by the Chop. In 1848, the ambitious king Chop Suey, set the country on a path of accelerated modernization.

In 1860, Suey opened hostilities against the Northern Kingdom. In spring 1861 the New Army marched toward Tom Yam and the last king Chow Lan committed suicide in its palace hours before Chop Suey made its entranced and proclaimed the restoration of the Empire.

The Second Empire (1861 - 1949)

Suey and its successors pushed on the path of forced modernization, achieving a partial success in the city but facing much more difficulties in the countryside.

In 1911 a massive protest against the unpopular Emperor Chop Mian forced him to allow political parties and concede elections. Two decades of turmoil followed, during which, in 1924, the Communist party was founded by Chairman Gau Bun.

In 1937, Generalissimo Ma Po took power, despite the nominal imperial title still retained by the adolescent Chop Siu, and civil war broke out. In 1949 Ma Po flew abroad with its last supporters, while Chop Siu was arrested and Chairman Gau Bun became the first Core Leader of the new Socialist Republic of Kai Fa.

The Socialist Republic of Kai Fa (1949 - today)

The new Communist regime banned other parties, installed a new public structure and turned to a socialist planned economy. In 1966 Brother Gau Bun died and Party’s factions engaged in a decade long struggle for power.

From 1978, Jiao Zi launched a broad program of reforms, which opened Kai Fa economically and diplomatically to the outside world and helped the modernization and recovery of its economy and society.

Starting from 1991, Kai Fa surged as a major producer in several new industries such as textiles and electronics… In 2011 Chairman Lo Pol became the new Core Leader of the Republic and began consolidating its personal power.

The Commonwealth of Puerto Pollo

The Native Age (5000 B.C. – 1690C.E.)

Puerto Pollo was first settled around 5.000 B.C. by tribes of hunter-gatherers. For thousands of years their descendents lived in villages scattered in the luscious forests of the island, practicing hunting and subsistence agriculture and frequently warring with each other.

The Colonial Age (1690 – 1897)

In 1690 Austral-speaking pirates established a base in Danjer Cove. In 1700 a Spanish-speaking transcontinental power invaded the island, expelled the pirates and annex Puerto Pollo as a colony, mixing with the native66. In 1897 the Motherland, severely weakened by a war lost on its continent, conceded independence.

The First Puerto Pollo Republic (1897 – 1979)

The new country became the typical banana republic: the elite of wealthy plantation owners and traders monopolized the control of the authoritarian state. After 1945, the communists polarized the poor masses’ anger. In 1979 the communists were likely to win the elections; the Army in response staged a coup and established a military junta.

The First Puerto Pollo Civil War (1979 -1990)

The communists formed the Fuercas Armadas Revolucionarias de Puerto Pollo (FARPP) and a civil war ensued. As the fight went on, both factions lost view of their ideals and their ideological motives and became involved in drug trafficking and other criminal activities. In 1990 a South Pacific-brokered Peace Deal was finally signed by the war-weary factions.

The Second Puerto Pollo Republic (1990-2012)

Trafficking became the primary economic sector of the country, ruled by armed cartels. Discontent grew, not only among the poorest but also among former mid and low rank fighters. Former FARPP colonel El Pollo Diablo formed the Pollos Endemoniados Revolucionarios militia.

The Second Puerto Pollo Civil war and current era (2012 - today)

In 2012 the government collapsed and a new civil war broke out between PER and the Fuerca Democratica Portuaria (FDP), a union of anti-PER militias integrated with former Ejercito de Puerto Pollo (EPP) units. On 3 March 2014 the Bruuman People’s Defence Forces invaded Puerto Pollo in its support a of PER and crushed the FDP in just six days.

The VPRB then established the Protectorate of Puerto Pollo, now a Commonwealth, with El Pollo Diablo as its Boss Maximo.

FiHami Pre-Unification The pre-unification era of FiHami was up until year 5 CE. It encompasses many wars between the tribes of FiHami, when they were very different culturally and linguistically. Not too many records survived to this time, but evidences of old villages remain on the uninhabited north island of FiHami. First Era of Unification From 5-750s CE, this era saw the development of written language and record keeping, as well as the rudiments for the system of leadership seen today. The chief would hold absolute power of FiHami. The Ha'Hani University would be constructed, serving as an archive for the temples. Era of Division From Chief Kalatomi's death in the 750s to 1170, this era saw lots of infighting between the 5 major Finixi tribes over which chief was valid, as there were 5 claims to the chiefdom. The Golden Age/Second Era of Unification Chief Finixi of the Ifi'Ikuri tribe made it a goal to reunite the tribes of FiHami, and that she did. This reunification in 1170 led to an explosion of creative works, technology, philosophy, and scientific pursuits. This explosion would be fueled by FiHami's place in the world trade, gaining additional influx of academic knowledge, technology, and new food from other places. The art of tea making would be perfected during this era, as well as many traditional Finixi instruments receiving improvements.

At the height, the population of the island reached 1.3 million, with great wealth distributed fairly evenly. The university of Ha’Hani would serve as the island’s academic beacon, and was quite often referred to as the “jewel of FiHami”.

The Silent Era All good things come to an end, and the arrival of the Antarchi in 1640 marked the end of FiHami's golden era. The Antarchi brought new racial tensions and diseases, leading to a stark decline of the Finixi population and a steady increase of the Antarchi. Interestingly, while there was considerable tension between the two groups, there wasn't too much violence until the 1930s. The records that remain show that because of the tensions and occasional violence, merchants would swing by the island less and less, effectively isolating the island by 1800s. The Antarchi Empire In 1954 Emperor Benjamin White murdered the last Finixi chief and declared himself emperor of the island. The Finixi people were forced into heavily guarded villages where they were stripped of all things except the most basic necessities. From 1954 to 2019 there were many people murdered, villages eliminated if they dared to attempt to protest the empire. In 2004 the Finixi Revolution would start after a scorched-earth campaign when the Matriarch of the Sami village spoke out publicly about the empire.

In 2016 the first chief since 1954 would be selected, the then-13 year old Finix Fi’Shi. 2016 seemed to be the turning point of the whole revolution, where the Finixi people started gaining territory from the Antarchi and liberating villages. The Antarchi Empire would end on New Year’s Eve of 2018, right before the start of 2019, with the murder of Emperor James White.

The current era The new Chief of FiHami would form a more democratic government with an elected prime minister, speaker, and parliament across FiHami's 50 new districts while the chief would be a more ceremonial figurehead, though in practice the chief played a huge role in influencing the government and helping reconstruct the nation. However, rising cultural tensions would surface, eventually leading to the Matriarchy Riots, leading to Chief Finix' death in 2020. These tensions would continue to rise through the Finixi Nationalist movement, coming to an end in 2023 with the arrest of Texeteti' and ex-chief Puani Kokostali. The current acting chief Hana Pua'Shi seems to be following the veins of Chief Finix Fi'Shi (2002-2020), trying to encourage what she called a "second golden age".