Map of the South Pacific

No I want the main plot centered the other is just options I make for plots

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Not happening.

There’s no “acceptance” process for undesirable plots, there’s just a list of undesirable plots ( I forgot where they are)

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Oh ok, I guess undesirable plots just mean small islands then.

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Oh I found that undesirable plot map and looked at it.
Apparently the small one does count as an undesirable plot

(@riditekhstudios )

Hello, and pardon me for this request (minor renaming).

Renaming list:


Other cities:
Ravno Zemaljski Štaad → RAVNI GRAD
Ystočni Štaad → Istočni Grad
Granyčna → Granična
Novy Štaad → Novi Grad
Śeverni Štaad → Sjeverni Grad
Drugy Begyrg → Grad Drugo Brdo
Begyrg → Grad Brdo

Region renaming:
Zapadna Krayyna → Zapadna Krajina
Nova Krayyna → Južna Mahažovija
Lužnyčka → Lužnička

Pardon me once again, and thank you in advance.

Pardon me for the seperate request, but I would like Šwabländlisch Štadt to be renamed (to Schwabenstadt) and moved.

The red dot would be the new location.