Announcement of changes to the list of permanent nations
List of permanent nations as of 20 April 2024
Full permanence: Besern, Bruuma (incl. Puerto Pollo), Erinor & Sereva, Ezervulge, FiHami, Frost Empire (incl. Reizen), Gianatla, Hazelia, Holy Free (incl. Nieuwfrost), Huawan (incl. Jäähua), Ikaranara, Ikoania, Kai Fa, Karnetvor (incl. Tasternine), Losavra, Past, Ryccia (incl. Irykia, Siculites), Sedunn, Snolland, Stoinia (incl. Carraca, Corinia), Termina, Transsuneria, Ubesii, USI
Referential significance: Anserisa, Antarcha, Bzerneleg, Spiras, UKED (incl. Cimbria, New Emral)
Dear Pacificans,
with a tiny delay of just seven months, I can finally announce to you the results of the votes on the list of permanent nations. The votes were hugely unanimous apart from a handful of countries, which I will point out below.
The following countries were voted on to gain or lose a permanence status. Please note that if your country has been demoted and thus lost its status of permanence or maybe wasn’t even considered to gain a permanence status, this doesn’t mean your nation doesn’t matter or we are ungrateful for your activity in this community. It’s only that we currently have not seen an overall significance to the common core lore of Pacifica of this particular nation. This might change in the future again, especially the more interwoven and detailed Pacifican history gets.
Unanimous vote - reapprovals and promotions
Anserisa - Referential significance reapproved - Reason: Founding place of the CE, HQ of the PNA
Antarcha - Promotion to referential significance - Reason: FiHamian history
Besern - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Great War, Frastinian history
Bruuma (incl. Puerto Pollo) - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Frastinian history, Stoinian history, Serevan War(, Iron Century?)
Bzerneleg - Referential significance reapproved - Reason: Reizen Civil War
Erinor & Sereva - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Serevan War
Ezervulge - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Sedunnic history
FiHami - Promotion to full permanence - Reason: Great War, Gianlucian history
Frost Empire (incl. Reizen) - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Great War, Frastinian history, Iron Century, Serevan War, Reizen Civil War
Gianatla - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Great War, Frastinian history, Serevan War, Pacifican history
Hazelia - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Gianatlan history
Holy Free (incl. Nieuwfrost) - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Great War
Huawan (incl. Jäähua) - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Pacifican history
Ikaranara - Promotion to full permanence - Reason: Great War, Stoinian history
Karnetvor (incl. Tasternine) - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Great War
Losavra - Promotion to full permanence - Reason: Ikaranarean history
Past - Promotion to full permanence - Reason: Ikaranarean history
Ryccia (incl. Irykia, Siculites - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Great War, Iron Century, Serevan Wr
Sedunn - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Great War, Bailtemmic history, Pacifican history
Snolland - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Gianatlan history
Stoinia (incl. Carraca, Corinia) - Promotion to full permanence - Reason: Great War, Bailtemmic history, Pacifican history
Termina - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Great War
Transsuneria - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Gianatla history, Sedunnic history, Great War
Ubesii - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Great War
USI (incl. Montacia, Brodlancia) - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Great War, Bailtemmic history, Gianatlan history
Unanimous vote - promotion rejections and demotions
All nations listed have not gained or have lost their status of permanence:
Beepee, Castemura, Esfalsa, Kosbareland, Mauquibie, Myria, NAGB, North Prarie, Omega, Petea, Qaweritoyu, Rebeltopia, Resentine, Sallodesia, Scopia, Sugovia, Tekarai, UPRAN, Weisserstein
Majority votes
The following nations have gained or lost a status of permanence by majority vote.
Hystaiga - Lost its permanence status
Ikoania - Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Bailtemmic history
Techganet - Lost its permanence status
Valkyria - Lost its permanence status
Valora - Lost its permanence status
Special decisions
In some cases, the vote was inconclusive or a nation’s status was dependent on whether the status of another nation was (dis)approved. In those cases, the most lenient option was considered the result of the vote.
Kai Fa - Tie - Result: Full permanence reapproved - Reason: Reizen Civil War
Spiras - Unanimously voted to be demoted, but remains referentially significant due to the decision taken for UKED - Reason for significance: UKED history
UKED (incl. Cimbria, New Emral) - Tie - Result: Referential significance reapproved - Reason: Great War, Pacifican history
The map will be changed as follows due to these results:
- Antarcha will be removed due to failing the activity check
- Petea will be removed due to failing the activity check
- Techganet will be removed due to failing the activity check