Map of the South Pacific

Nation in TsP:h
Plot: 054
Name of capital: Ozbgai
Location: Top left of the plot

I confirm that I have read the Instructions, have an intent to roleplay, will follow the rules and guidlines and given each plot claim a separate name: :white_check_mark:

Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The Confederacy of Hugyg
Name for your plot
: Velleriania
Desired plot: 177
Location of capital
[Sandbox] Map of the South Pacific - Google Slides
I believe you should just be able to copy the entire thing and paste it all into the non-sandbox.

Already owned plot(s)*: None

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

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Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific*:

Name for your plot*: East Jakub

Desired plot*: 032

Capital: Miasto Portowe

Location of capital*: Marked Orange


River: since it is a river connected to two rivers up north, meaning it is a different river, I am going to call it Środkowa Rzeka (middle river or Środkowa River)


Chłopakcałujący(marked with blue)

Stary Molik/Vendlindja Jonë(marked purple)

Zimno/Topa(marked black)

Already owned plot(s)*:031

I confirm that I have:

[:ballot_box_with_check:] read the instructions

[:ballot_box_with_check:] the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon

[:ballot_box_with_check:] made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else

[:ballot_box_with_check:] given each plot I claim a separate name


Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The Allied States of Alvira
Name for your plot
: Livana
Desired plot: 197
Capital: LIVONIA
Location of capital
: Southeast of the largest island

Cities names:
LIVONIA, Canna, Arcana, Varana
Is. Liv, Is. Cinis, Is. Aften*
Livanan Marina, Mt. Carna
*please add the name [Is. Aften] for the smallest southernmost Island if you can, thanks!

Already owned plot(s)*: None

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

(Mark with X)


Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The Republic of Reformed Malsiesefiren
Name for your plot
: Sordland
Desired plot: 223
Capital: Holsord
Location of capital
:Shown in image below

Already owned plot(s)*: none

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name


I would like to request an update for my plot (Sugovia & Northern Sugovia)

-Remove Middlefield
-Remove Westcliff
-Add Sonnedasfall
-Add Swei Konig
-Add Waißwasr
-Add the river Sugo
-Add the islands Klynland, Helgland, and Ottsland
-Add the Semigarian Range

Northern Sugovia:
-Remove Shaffkkon
-Add Saltzemarkt
-Add Hohenstaadt
-Add Hohenlander Range


Albeit having a bit too much going on atm and focusing on finishing at the very least the male IUFA statistics, before I allow myself to get back into “real roleplay” again, I figured it was time to edit the map again before it gets even more overwhelming and people wait even longer ^^


Done. Please use the actual submission form next time.

Done and welcome back!


Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The Kingdom of Amarth
Name for your plot
: Amarth
Desired plot: 164
Location of capital
: Center of Nation on customized Island
City/Realms Names:

First names are the Regional Names


Ambar = Region
Cyrcya = Capital

Rivers/Bay name:
Ainuriva = Bay
Ainuva = Rivers

Change the central formation of the rivers and make an island inside a lake in the center for the capital.

Already owned plot(s)*: 0

I confirm that I have:
Read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
Given each plot I claim a separate name

(Mark with X)


Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The Empire of Holy Germacia
Name for your plot
: Holy Germacia
Desired plot: 186
Location of capital
: sending picture
Customisation: Adding in Sethe Rainforest?

Already owned plot(s)*: I don’t anything at the moment

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions X
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon X
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else X
given each plot I claim a separate name X

(Mark with X)

Editing Plot for Pacifica

Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific*:Evinea
Name for the plot*: Evinea
Desired plot*: 154
Location of capital*: Shown on image
Please add the following:


Additions circled in yellow

Already owned plot(s): none

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

Hello, I’m preparing for another article for CTN. It is about some rail lines on my plot, and I am here to ask if I can use the name ‘Bailtem’ for my NBR, which stands for Northern Bailtem Rapid.
So can I?

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Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The Imperial Republic of The New Dacians
Name for your plot
: Paltorina (Dacian Federation for the country, though)
Desired plot: 149
Location of capital
: yellow city below

Already owned plot(s)*: gone, reduced to atoms

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

i was gone for a couple months, but i’ve got less stuff going now so, second time’s the charm?


Done. Unfortunately I couldn’t grant the following customisations:

  1. The number of cities exceed the limits set by the rules you accepted. Furthermore by adding the region names, I wouldn’t have been able to fit the cities anymore anyway. Therefore there are no cities apart from the capital visible on the map.

  2. Space constraints required me to not add the bay to the map.

  3. It was unclear to me, which river was the Ainuva. Also space would have run out here too. Therefore I couldn’t name your rivers.

Done! I hope though, you are a quite religious country, otherwise I’d like to make aware, that “Germacia” would be a more realistic and therefore rule-abiding name for the country.
Also please keep in mind, I gave you plot 157 now, since you provided a picture to your application for that, but not for 186.

I did not add any more cities as you already added the maximum amount of cities permitted. The states were added though.


Done, welcome back!


Thanks! my next CTN article will be posted soon

Edit: not that soon, I have some stuff in rl
But I think I will post one by Sunday

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Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The Imperial Republic of The New Dacians
Name for your plot
: Ârgevan
Desired plot: 148

Already owned plot(s)*: 149

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

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Ty! Really!

Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The Weissersteiner Cultural City of Lichterstadt
Name for your plot
: Luxtenstein, Harnarmark, Koleschia, and Limano (if possible, I’d like for the plot to not have a single name, and that each state mentioned above has its name above it’s territory)
Desired plot: 069
• LËTZESTEEN (Luxtenstein) [alternatively, the capital could just be named LUXTENSTEIN]
• KRÄIZGANG (Coplaistein)
• NEIBUERG (Harnarmark)
Location of capital
: in customization

Cities (besides the aforementioned capitals:
• Limano

• The island of Sankt Michael is part of Weisserstein
• Limano is part of Stoinia

Already owned plot(s)*:
• Lichtenburg
• Lowenia
• Rhineland

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

(Mark with X)


Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific:NationStates | The Nation of Detroxia
Name for your plot
: Detroxia
Desired plot: 186
Location of capital
: On the convergent point of the two major rivers.
Customisation: Name the river on the left Aurum and the one on the right Argentum. The river that is created when their converge is named Aurgentum.
Name the mountains on the north Regan Territories.
Alexandrgrad - Where the river falls into the sea.
Al-Aviv - In the mountains, close to Mount Aramis and the river source.
Bear Valley - Close to the western mountains, but not on them (on the plains below).
Sorry for not including an image, but I don’t have the necessary software and dkills to do so.

Already owned plot(s)*: none

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

(Mark with X)

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Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The Federation of Ikaranara
Name for your plot
: Nölvra (Ikaranara)
Desired plot: 108
Location of capital
: Middle of plot
Customisation: Port Tûsan, on the coast

Already owned plot(s)*: Ikaranara, Past, Losavra, Aslanvra (Aslanvra is to be removed)
I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

(Mark with X)


@ExtraQuestionary — unfortunately, it’s been too soon since your last map claim to claim another plot. Please feel free to apply again in a few months!

@Detroix — added! Welcome :smile:

@Weisserstein and @Flaming — don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you, but I haven’t had the time to update the map for a while now so I think it would be best for a more experienced/active map editor to make the judgement call when it comes to a fourth plot.