Krauanagaz, Zuhlgan, and Mitallduk News Sources

Upholding Divine Order - Arrest of Autark Neoahl Patatulla

Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan National News Agency

In a resolute stride towards preserving the sanctity of Zhukvana’s divine order, the Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan has announced the arrest of Autark Neoahl Patatulla, a former member of the Divine Committee. Patatulla stands accused of Crimes in the Face of Zhukvana, a grave offense against the sacred teachings of our benevolent deity.

Details of the Arrest:

Autark Neoahl Patatulla was apprehended by the vigilant Zaaiz led by the esteemed Police Chief, Periba Ibinete. The arrest, conducted with the utmost adherence to divine order, reflects the unwavering commitment of the Holy Dominion to maintain purity and righteousness within its ranks.

Crimes in the Face of Zhukvana:

Patatulla is accused of deviating from the Laws of God and His Servants, a betrayal that strikes at the very core of our society’s moral fabric. The charges include:

  1. Subversion of Zhukva Doctrine
    Autark Patatulla is alleged to have propagated ideologies contrary to the tenets of Zhukva faith, sowing seeds of dissent among the faithful.

  2. Consorting with Dissidents
    Patatulla stands accused of associating with dissident elements, jeopardizing the stability and unity of the Holy Dominion.

  3. Challenging the Authority of the Arkava
    The gravest of charges pertains to challenging the authority of the Arkava, the earthly emissary of Zhukvana. Such acts are an affront to the divine hierarchy established by our benevolent deity.

Trial and Justice:

Autark Neoahl Patatulla will face a fair and impartial trial, ensuring that justice is served in accordance with the Zhukva Divine Order. The Divine Committee, led by the esteemed Arkava Ga’klar Ibinete IV, will preside over the proceedings to ensure the divine will of Zhukvana is upheld.

The Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan remains steadfast in its commitment to rooting out any elements that threaten the sacred order. This arrest is a testament to the unwavering dedication of the Holy Dominion to preserve the divine principles that guide our society.

May Zhukvana’s light continue to shine upon us, guiding us in the pursuit of righteousness and purity.

Zuhlgani Media Corporation

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