Korosian News Broadcasters Association

The KNBA is a Non Government Organization functioning within every State of Koros. It takes on the responsibility of training new journalists, and acts as a protective body for free speech. The KNBA works closely with government internet services to ensure ease of access to information and the prevention of misinformation.

Article Writer: Justin Mestanpeway
Article Date: October 18th

Korosian Armed Forces Announces 2023 Q1 Summit, Federal Government May Hear AI Art Legislation

An odd, mixed start to the mid October week as government branches go about their business. To start, the Korosian Armed Forces has, following several technical failures with old fighter plane models, announced the intent to design and produce replacement models domestically. The 2023 Q1 Summit for designers and military engineers is to be hosted sometime January and in the Outer Settlements.

This announcement comes as the country is attempting to regain economic footing following a recession. Pacifists argue that there are many more government projects that could make better use of the money. Militarists claim that Koros must be able to produce a domestic air fleet to counteract it’s abandonment of drones.

In other news the Upper Plains Court is in the process of hearing a bill that would make it illegal for AI Art Programs to use specific Artists names in image prompts. Though current generation AI Art is handled by foreign companies, Korosian artists are hoping this is one of the first steps to avoiding their work being copied and profited off of. “We can’t prevent AI Art from using already made works as inspiration; beyond that being literally impossible for current AI to do, its also a standard that many actual artist’s won’t be able to adhere to,” explained Artist and Civil Servant Tarlo Joseph. “Artists get inspired by art they see, by techniques others learn first. AI does similar by looking at images and taking specific or common elements and using them in a whole new image. The problem comes when people direct the AI to copy the style of specific artists. That opens up a whole can of worms of copyright legality and personal opinions. The short of it is that specific rare and valuable art styles are being flooded by AI copycats. Artists rely on their styles to garner contracts and commissions. This bill is to protect the livelihood of one of society’s pillars.”

Should the bill be ratified, artists living in the Upper Plains will ideally see their art recognized as theirs. Similar bills might be proposed in other Korosian state, and should the original or other bills be passed, then the federal government will review the same, a different, or a modified bill for it’s own adoption.

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