Korosian News Broadcasters Association

The KNBA is a Non Government Organization functioning within every State of Koros. It takes on the responsibility of training new journalists, and acts as a protective body for free speech. The KNBA works closely with government internet services to ensure ease of access to information and the prevention of misinformation.

Article Writer: Justin Mestanpeway

On Sept 28th the Union of Genetic Resesrchers, primarily based out of Hillside City and Minôs Cliffs, released a report explaining the Unions stance against sterilized crop seed. The report claimed that such seeds would introduce financial dependency to seed suppliers (locally known as Big Seed) and would ultimately destitute farms and communities.

Big Seed drained my bank account, my savings account, my credit, and more,” one part time geneticist, part time farmer named Ayesha Mitima claimed. “Plants for agricultural use must be able to bear fertile seeds; extorting communities for such a basic good is immoral to it’s core. I was only able to save my farm plot, and room filled with sterile equipment, through the Minôs Workshop Society. This shouldn’t have to happen!” When questioned why she wore only a white lab coat and gardening gloves, she mentioned her freedom of expression, and went inside.

Five days later, at 5:40 UTC -2, the Korosian Federation Government passed legislation prohibiting the sale and production of sterile seeds. Research into new GMO crops will also be stalled as federal reviews into sterility of seed batches are put into place. Despite these new observation measures, the Korosian scientific sector is projected to continue it’s growth; the cooperative attitude the government took in it’s understanding of the needs of agricultural and biological scientists was noted by many members of the Union of Genetic Researchers.

Also of note within Korosian science policies is the closing week of meetings and negotiations with foreign and domestic space advisors. The announcement of a Korosian Space Agency is expected by most citizens; 78% of responders from a poll conducted by the KNBA in the Upper Plains said it was “absolutely certain to occur” within 1 month. This overwhelming response was more pronounced in the Upper Plains than other Korosian States, highlighting an eagerness for space research and exploration inside of UP’s younger demographic.