King of the Hill v2

Classic narcissism

Bruh 0_o

You’re not the center of the universe Galaxiel smh

I mean no galaxy is

I am

Classic narcissism

Nah, it’s the truth

When old timey Christians thought Earth was the center if the universe, they simply mistranslated the part of the bible that says, and I qoute, “Legend, the coolest person in TSP, is in fact the center of the universe (and is also really baller)” (The Bible, Paul, Luke, John, Phil)

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You’re only mad cause you know it’s true

I’m downloading Stellaris rn

Can’t wait to play ^^

I only vaguely know what Stellaris is

I mean I never played it before

But I really want to

So yeah, headed to Steamunlocked and the rest is history ^3^


Yay ^^

^^ yaY

^ yaYay ^


Palindrome momentnemom emordnilaP

Yay ^^ yaY

