Classic narcissism
Bruh 0_o
You’re not the center of the universe Galaxiel smh
I mean no galaxy is
I am
Classic narcissism
Nah, it’s the truth
When old timey Christians thought Earth was the center if the universe, they simply mistranslated the part of the bible that says, and I qoute, “Legend, the coolest person in TSP, is in fact the center of the universe (and is also really baller)” (The Bible, Paul, Luke, John, Phil)
You’re only mad cause you know it’s true
I’m downloading Stellaris rn
Can’t wait to play ^^
I only vaguely know what Stellaris is
I mean I never played it before
But I really want to
So yeah, headed to Steamunlocked and the rest is history ^3^
Yay ^^
^^ yaY
^ yaYay ^
Palindrome momentnemom emordnilaP
Yay ^^ yaY