King of the Hill v2

sneaks onto hill while you’re chasing cloud
My hill!

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comes back and kisses you passionately

No. Our hill.

:kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:


Aww, a lovely couple living on a hill. But that’s my hill and they’re trespassing!

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You’re part of the relationship two now

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Well, I guess no one’s trespassing anymore now :heart:

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This is very wholesome

No no no, I ain’t taking part in no polygamy!

My hill!

What’s wrong with it?


It’s very un-American, and I refuse to be cheated on :triumph:

I mean it’s not cheating if all partners agree to it and respect each other’s boundaries

Also it’s as American as apple pie

People probably got lynched for polygamy though. The only times I can think of polygamy in America is when someone forms a cult just to get laid.

Sweetie I’m joking of course it ain’t American

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What countries still have polygamy as the norm? :thinking:

I’d imagine most of the European superpowers would have tried to wipe it out wherever they were currently occupying

Polygamy happens a lot in the middle east. It also happens sometimes in Indonesia and Malaysia (among muslims only), I think.


That’s weird, since the other two religions that worship God follow monogamy


There are some sects/denominations of those religions that practice/allow it

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By polygamy I mean actual consensual relationships. What happens in the Middle East is often a bit less consensual and often just a result of a misogynistic culture. Can’t speak for everyone though, and I may be wrong.

I’m open to corrections.

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While you are all enjoying each other’s company, I silently return to reclaim my hill and that box of cookies I hid

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I blow you into the atmosphere with a leaf blower

I blow the galaxy away with a bigger leaf blower
All that’s left is the solitary hill, with me as its king

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