King of the Hill v2

You are, you are :face_holding_back_tears:

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:hippopotamus: :bird: :sheep: :sheep:


Ma venu

My venue

mavenā€™s a real word

also this is a real victory


also no

The opposite of a Maven

Soā€¦ not an expert, or not a freak?

to be fair, itā€™s actually this

So maven u

maven you

ohmahgah youā€™re calling us smart thanks ^3^

What am I?

  • An old story
  • A cool person
  • The part of a map that says what everything is

0 voters

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You didnā€™t include baller :pleading_face::sob:

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Wether or not Iā€™m baller isnā€™t even a question, I just am

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Fair enough lol

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honestly, the name dates back to when it was the rage on the internet to know your elvish names; i just misremembered the sequence/spelling and have stuck with it since 2003.

Iā€™ve been called a dirty elf because of this

but hey, if you want it to mean that, sure go ahead.

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Oh ok lol

Well, letā€™s just say that itā€™s a happy coincidence :3

im surprised someone else uses it! for example, I donā€™t have it on YT. I have to fight them for my username on every new service.

Then again, iā€™ve also won this thread

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Oh wow

Might be more common than we thought then :rofl:

if i think evilly: itā€™s possible, with the maven before the U, that theyā€™re trying to say that theyā€™re smarter than other people on the internet :person_shrugging:.

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Conspiracy revealed!!1!1!!1!1!!1

Only the most baller among us can truly win this thread

i could just lock it :person_shrugging: but i think youā€™d guys say /\ /\0|) 48|_|$3

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