King of the Hill v2

Mein hill

It’s my hill


Wo de Shan

Nah I’d Win

There is no contest, no winner. Isn’t it obvious that I am the owner of this hill?

I win this hill

You can’t win something that already has an owner

unless you illegally obtained it, and the government is doing imminent domain

What do you mean illegally? Can’t you see over here… umm…
holds a paper in front of you

Special Law On That One Hill Conflict

Article I: The hill belongs to CayonNS.

For: 1 (100%)
Against: 0 (0%)
Passed 2024/12/12

Nuh uh

does penguin dance of distraction

seizes unguarded hill

my hill

It’s MINE! If you don’t let go of the hill, I’ll be really sad :cry:

Eats @North All

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My hill

No, it is my hill

I dont think so

Tis mine then


I stand on this hill and on my victory