King of the Hill v2

My hill again

The peopleā€™s hill

The Ice Creamist Hill

I just realized something, Weā€™ve been fighting over this all for God knows how long yet the hill in question doesnā€™t have a nameā€¦

Perhaps we should give it one?

We didnā€™t give the hill a name because we keep destroying the hill or creating a new hill or thinking the hill out of existence. It would be pointless to name it

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thinks the hill out of existence

Not againā€¦

reimagines the hill

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claims the hill

occupies the hill, proceeds to auction hill

Buys the hill for free


re-occupies the hill, proceeds to waitā€¦

Steals the hill

The hill is back in the hands of its true owner! Myself.

Myself being me, Legend

You meant me

Me being myself, Legend


Adds Christmas decorations to the top of the hill

Adds gifts to the top of the hill
and some saltā€¦