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Mumiea Celebrates City Day.
*The Kliegmean Capital celebrates its founding in October 26th, 1698.
*This year marks the 336th anniversary for the Capital City of Mumiea.

*Firework Celebrations in Turganov Bridge

The Kliegmean capital city of Myurmyansk, better known as Mumiea, celebrated its 336th Anniversary today. According to records from the Kingdom of Kurigu, exactly 336 years ago King Taejo ordered to build a city along the Itrysh River to serve as the capital of the Kingdom of Kurigu. Myurmyansk, then known as Gaseong. After the arrival of the Karnevorians, the city of Gaseong was replaced as colonial capital by Gawrnov, but remained a significant and large metropolis. The Karnetvorians took care in respecting the local churches and customs, which lead to the success in the Karnetvorization of Kliegme. It was also in this era where Gaseong was renamed to Myurmyansk. Whatever its name or ruler was, Myurmyansk served as the economic and political heart of the nation that owned it, a role it has served throughout the ages.

Celebrating this colourful history and the 336th anniversary of the city, Mayor Yewon Shin announced many different programmes and events to commemorate the occasion. The theme for this year’s City Day honored the VDNH, an exhibition center created in Mumiea during the Karnetvorian colonial rule. The center turns 80 this year. The Celebrations were concentrated in the center and the park surrounding it, and resulted in 2.3 million visitors.

The Celebration was divided into four distinct areas of the VDNH center, which is situated in the Klyukvenny Okrug. The first area focused on the park’s early years (it was created by the state to host annual trade shows, inspired by the world’s fair).The main buildig or the second area of Tverskaya Street focused on a number of pavilions in the VDNH museum that were built to represent the history of Kliegme and Mumiea’s largest space museum, the Cosmos Pavilion. The third area represented VDNH’s role as a cultural center in Mumiea, and the fourth area featured sporting events.

A fountain outside of the second area features gold-plated statues of women, one for each of the regions of then Karnetvorian Crabry, with the area being divided into 2 major showcases, one for the history of Kliegme, and the other for Kliegme’s Space Programme. Kliegme’s national cosmonautics museum was situated in an industrial-looking building behind a preserved rocket, the same design as the Vremya-2, the first all-Kliegmean rocket to successfully make it to the atmosphere.

Visitors got to experience the Culture of Mumiea, a harmony of Karnetvorian, Garanian, Hinomoto, and Alman Culture, just like Kliegme itself. The Classical Concert was conducted by a orchestra of both Karnetvorian and Garanian Instruments, playing Symphony no.7 “Crabry” by Dmitry Shaposnikov and many other classics.

After all but one events and showcases ended, the Celebrations were ended in a high note by a firework show. This year, the Polytechnical Institute of Mumiea has chimed in to the festivities, and utilized drones to make a large “336” and “Myurmyansk” appear in the night skies before the fireworks.

Anton Chernyakhovsky
October 26th, 2022