“Lemma or Glossary of Nasphilitae”

Author: Matthew Green
Affiliation: University of Suhavenster, Institute of Systematizations


In his work “Detecting genealogy of poor translations” (1944), Ferol Wantree identifies the cause behind poor translations between Austral dialects as to have been of semiotic nature.

Valstun Abhings criticises the implication of a purely semiotic background in his “A Valley Between Two Mountains” (1951), suggesting that mere statement of there existing a terminological gap serves no purpose, going further by suggesting that it was caused by geographic distance, which in turn provided for “Higher levels of autonomy for the Nasphiliti to develop their own prism… Gloss differences are but a single particular…”

Finally, the much controversial “To Syncreticise or Die: Trauma Masked as Pragmatics in Nasphilitae” (1959) Anders Roursk, bravely confident, negates both Wantrees and Abhings presumptions. Roursk instead identifies that the root cause of a specific “gloss, glossary or lemma is a linguistic expression of identity in cultural and philosophical trauma (…) Arriving an ocean away, the settlers then and over time and now were faced with a dilemma: To die [and subject Nasphiliti cultural development entirely either to surrounding area or Austral heritage] or to re-invent everything, including the ‘symbol & symbolised’.”

I won’t be discussing the root causes here. Instead, I will try to best demonstrate terms of Austral which have, over time, “re-invented” their references. The order by which these are presented meet the criteriae of what is considered, by both colloquials and the colleagues, most to least important. Issues exist, though, in this methodic, as well, that of choosing importance over that of choosing terms which have changed the furthest of their source.


WISDOM-”IN-NUS”: Whole, absolute, intersected form:essence, processed-proven knowledge from intuition, “true understanding” [disputed].

MONOD-MONODA-MONODI: [Transcendent, unobtainable] Absolute-Everything.

PRUDENCE: Soul, virtue, virtue-in-purity-and-whole.

ETHICS: Essence, norm [legal], substantive [pol.], “value of value of commodity” [eco., soc.], normative [soc.], part-of-semioticals [elaborated later], [to decide] by-intent of accused [judicial].

AESTHETICS: Form, formal [legal], procedural [pol.], material / social [eco. / soc.] reality, rhetoricals [elaborated later], textualism [judicial].

ANDROGENAL: Divine or desired, unobtainable. Unlike “Monod”, it is a particular.

MECHANICAL: Approximating the androgenal, closest-to-divinity.

HYPOTHESIS: Presupposition OR tool of deducing from a void state.

AXIOM, AXIOMATIC, AXIOLOGY: Presupposition which has the privilege of being true even if untrue [counter-factuals explored, proven impractical].

SOCIABILIC: Natural or divine given property of all humans; “Humans are social beings” [Greenhill, 1661].

THEOREM: True-Valid-Correct set of conclusions, without means of testing by empirical experiment.

DESIRE OF/FOR DESIRE: Longing for the sentiment which desire/desiring itself induces.

DESIRING DESIRE: “Self-induced desire of the desired (x)”. Induced desire for (x) which, seemingly, is irrational or aimless or without cause.

RHETORICALS: “Phronesis” [positive connotation], convincing, well-spoken, syntactic [linguistic], “pragmatic excellence” [pol.]

THEATRICALS: “Rhetoric” outside of domestic [negative connotation], dramatic, poorly crafted, (cheap) play.

DEMAGOGY: To rule by theatricals, to rule by popular support induced by theatricals. To have legitimacy, though without legality, albeit not necessarily unlawful.

DICTATORSHIP: To [attempt] rule by theatricals, lacking popular support, legitimacy or legality. Often, manipulates legal order from the executive. It does NOT rely on physical force but on apathy.

TYRANNY: To rule by physical confrontation of opposition.

SEMIOTICALS-”SUBSTANTIA: Essence-of-particular, essence-of-commodity, essence-of-term.

KNOWLEDGE-EPISTEMOLOGY-”EPISTEME: Processed applied knowledge, particular knowledge, [to-decide] by-case and/or by-legal-act [judicial].

EXISTENCE-BEING-ONTOLOGICAL-METAPHYSICAL: “(X)-In-Itself”, immanent, static, [to-decide] by [word & spirit] of-the-law [judicial].

PRAGMATICS: “By-result-without-intent” [eco., pol.], “switch-statements”, “circuits” [transdisciplinary], from data, efficiency, optimisation (…)

JUSTICE-JUST-RIGHTEOUS: Domestically contrived concept of foreign “Rule of Law” [Aus.] or “Lawful State” [Kar.]; Result of syncretic pursuit for the equivalence of legal theory to legal practice.

TRUE-VALID-CORRECT: Domestically contrived; Result of syncretic pursuit for the manifestation of mathematic conditionals: True, Conditionally True, Untrue. “True-Valid-Correct” can be both True or Conditionally True [conditions need be fully elaborated and explicit].


OWNERSHIP: Descriptive [adjective] and possessive [attribute], part-of, specific characteristic of a particular.

NAVIGATION: Spatial, orientation, point in graphed function [mat., comp., geo.], referential single [geo.], grounded:real [art].

EDITOR: RANASA (Royal Association of Nasphiliti Academy for Arts and Sciences)