Great Council Transition Act

Another option is to stagger the effective end date for the current body of officials. One month from date of passage of the omnibus to select Legislator Committee (or it’s replacement) members, two months for justices, etc.

Why would we replace positions that aren’t elected in the first place, speaking of the Coral Guard here.

I would rather have Assembly confirmation/oversight, as applicable, for major parts of our security apparatus. The Coral Guard is part of that.

Our government officials in place were appointed, nominated, and/or approved under our previous system of laws, not the new one. If we’re willing to part with pretty much all our laws, I don’t see why it’s a huge logical leap to ask the question of whether we believe our current officials will fit well into our new system. And I don’t see why that has to be an ‘all or nothing’ vote, where we can either keep pretty much every position that has a successor (even if the powers and underlying laws are different), or keep none at all.