4. Offices of the Prime MinisterCabinet
(1) Sixteen days before the first of On the first of every February, May, August, and November, June and October, the Assembly will convene to elect the Prime Minister., who, in turn, will appoint their Cabinet.
a. After the first four days of the election period, during which legislators may declare their candidacy and campaign for only one position, and a campaign-only period of two days, where candidates may campaign and the Assembly will debate the merits of their platforms, the Assembly will vote for three days.
[add]a. The election period will be organized into three phases:
- A four-day declaration of candidacy and campaign period.
- A two-day campaign-only period where candidates may campaign, and the Assembly will debate the merits of their platforms.
- A three-day voting period.[/add]
- The respective winner, as decided using Instant-Runoff Voting, will be declared the Prime Minister-elect by the Election Commissioner.
(2) The terms for the incoming Prime Minister and Cabinet ministers will begin the week after elections, on the first of the month. Before this inauguration, any and all election-related disputes must be settled. The outgoing Prime Minister and any appointed Cabinet ministers will maintain their offices until then.
6. Vacancies of Office
(1) A special election will be held for vacancies arising within the Cabinet, if at least half of the term remains. If less than half of the term remains, or the position is vacant due to nobody running in its election, the Cabinet may appoint a replacement until the next regularly scheduled election.
(1) A special election will be held for a vacancy in the office of the Prime Minister. If at least half of the term remains, the elected Prime Minister will serve until the next regularly scheduled election. If less than half of the term remains, the elected Prime Minister will serve the remainder of the scheduled term and the additional subsequent full term.
(3) If a Chair is no longer in office prior to the election of a new Chair, a deputy appointed by the outgoing Chair will serve as Acting Chair to exercise all powers and responsibilities of the office of the Chair, subject to all regulations and restrictions imposed upon the Chair by law. In the event that more than one deputy was appointed, the most senior deputy, according to the order of appointment and availability, will serve as Acting Chair. In the event that no deputy was appointed or is available, the Prime Minister Cabinet will designate a legislator to serve as Acting Chair.
7. Separation of Powers
(1) Offices of the Coalition are the Delegate, the Prime Minister, and appointed Cabinet ministers, the Chair of the Assembly, the Chief Justice, and any of their appointed deputies.
(4) …
(5) No person occupying the Office of Prime Minister, an appointed Cabinet minister position, holding a Cabinet office or the office of the Delegate may hold any equivalent office in a foreign region or organization.