Duchess Ariana's visit to Litora

Flora spoke. “We find our ores in underground mines. Amisa’s mines are less common than in the Xhaasan south, but our mines tend to have a high concentration of silver. Xhaasan mines have more gold and iron. And, of course, Sunstone.”


”Underground? That sounds rather unpleasant; underground structures in Belsegallia are already claustrophobic and restrictive enough, and it would be even worse at terrestrial level where the air is so much denser. It’s unfortunate that you have to go through the trouble of mining to get things like metal and sunstone.”

After pausing to consider the rest of Flora’s statement, Ariana decided to speak again.

”Speaking of which; how is sunstone formed, exactly? It seems strange to me that it would be something found underground, given its name and properties.”

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“Mining is not a glorious job, but it is necessary for the obtaining of many resources we need. As for sunstone… I am not as knowledgeable on that topic. I believe Lucia, who oversees most of Iyanala’s economics, would be able to tell you that, though.”

Lucia, eager to put her reaction at Rosalia’s… cooking behind them completely, spoke.

“Sunstone is named after its reaction to the sun, mainly. It stores the energy from the sun, as I believe you know, and can output that energy under certain conditions. Most Sunstone we mine is on the surface- it generally resides covered in sand, under the guise of being a sand dune. Sunstone can also be found underground- we believe that it is possible it was somehow buried by something or some strange process in the distant past. This sunstone is called ‘Uncharged’ sunstone, and generally needs to spend a few weeks under the sun before it can be used. Regular sunstone which has used its energy stores only needs to sit under the sun for a couple of days before it is at full capacity once more.”

After Lucia had finished her explanation, the group was done with their food. Flora spoke, addressing their guests. “Thank you two for the chat, and I apologize again on behalf of my guests for any offense we may have caused you earlier in the day. Tomorrow, we will go on a more comprehensive trip through Irigutus, to see some of the sights both inside and outside castle walls. Do you have any more questions or remarks before we go to our respective chambers?”

(OOC: Feel free to respond to Lucia before Flora- I just didn’t want to drag out this conversation infinitely.)