Davids and Goliaths: Chalerosto-Galactyan first contact [RETCONED]

“oh excuse me, i feel that my comment caused you great shock. The Edhelrim (the translator told the governor that that is the collective form of edhel) has the ability of telepathic empathy, and some more trained or skilled individuals can go beyond that, with the emperor having mastered the power of telepathy. I sensed what speach usually feels like in you and the scientist, but you ware saying no words, so a communication implant seemed only logical to me. You i was just making a observation, your conversation doesn’t bother me in the slightest”

Hûlion was visibly entertained, he liked that he shocked the galactyans


At that moment, the alien captain’s smugness could be felt from the other side of the system, but still, this was interesting. Galactyan scientists theorized natural empathy being possible, but nobody had ever found actual proof. This, apparently, was going to be interesting for the entire Empire.

“Anyhow, dear captain, how about the communication signature? As I said, the Empire would love to formally communicate with your nation, and we would love to be able to recognize your ships as well. We can give you ours, if it makes you more willing to do so.”

“And, once that is done, you may ask us some questions too! It wouldn’t be fair otherwise, wouldn’t it be.”

This entire conversation was incomprehensibly crucial. The Empire’s first relations with an equally advanced starfaring race depended on it, so it was absolutely important to clear any doubts and cover the bases, on both sides. Each and every controversy or diffidence that might have risen from the happenings of the rather… unfortunate first contact HAD to be justified and explained. Asdariek didn’t want to be held responsible for throwing the entire Empire in a war of unparalleled proportions. Especially since the punishment for such a thing was to be brought to Yuln’Ebteanil. And no living thing capable of feeling pain would ever want to be sent there. Nothing would.


"I agree to exchanging communication signatures. It will make future encounters between our empires a lot more… Plesent compared to the first one. Now, for my questions: did galactya have previous encounters with advanced, ftl capable alien civilizations? "


”Yes, we have. The first ones were the Melaneans and the second ones were the u’Lnuib, both coming from inside the Nebulae and both declared war with us. Although, at their times, Melaneans were as advanced as Galactyans but we both had just invented FTL, and the u’Lnuib were way less advanced.”

”Although, I have to ask: what begs the question?”


“Curiosity mainly, you’re the first advanced alien civilization we have met, at least not of our own creation, the creations we are hunting down. They’re too dangerous and have no right to be let to live” said Hûlion with a dark tone when talking about “the creations”. There was something deeper there.


Well that was unsettling. VERY unsettling. What was he talking about? Hunting down their own creation? That seemed… cruel. And the tone in which the captain said it showed that there was a great amount of history behind that. But perhaps, before rendering moral judgement, she needed to hear more about the story. It was going to be a great topic for future conversations and arguments, but now was not time for such things. Slightly put off, Asdariek recomposed herself.

“Oh, we’re most honored to be your first. Well, what about you instead? From what I can understand, your civilization has met other less advanced species before. Apart from the Melaneans and the U’Lnuib, we have never met anyone else with consciousness, regardless of how primitive or advanced. It surprises me to hear that that wasn’t the case for you.”


“before i answer your question, governor, i feel great unease in you. I will assure you that the extinction of our creations was necessary as they ware a existential threat to our civilization. I am not authorized to talk to you about it in more detail tho.
Now back to the question. We have met multiple primitive, which by our understanding is not FTL capable, civilizations, of various technological development. There has been, to my knowledge, around 10 primitive contacts in Calerostan history. Depending on the technological development of the xenos we acted differently: some we contacted and incorporated, which lead to results as different as them declaring war on us to treating us as gods. Some we decided to not contact, and just observe from orbit. Some actually managed to detect us first and try to establish contact, peaceful or agressive. All the contacted aliens have been incorporated into the empire.”


“Good to hear that you answer respect with respect. You know, we always feared that that might have not been the case. for other civilizations. So yeah, I’m relieved to hear that.”

Suddenly, Asdariek’s necklace briefly flashed with a strong, colorful light. She suddenly seemed to be irritated.

“Ugh, fuck. Me and my ship need to go now, I have to go patrol the northern border. Hey, how about you and your ship stay on Korelapolat for a while? The spaceport is big enough for your StarBraker and meanwhile our technicians could together repair the damage caused to the ships. There should be a resort we always keep empty for occasions like this.”

“If it’s fine with you, you could go there right now and we could resume our conversation in a couple of days. You could also use Korelapolat interstellar communications system to talk with your nation. The messages should be far less distorted.”

“So, how does that sound?”


“I am not authorized to make that decision, i was only ordered to come save the Spark in Darkness and establish diplomacy. The spark is so heavily damaged that if will need a whole refit, for which i doubt you have the materials nor knowledge to do, and this ship doesn’t have the facilities. Now that we have formal contact established it won’t be difficult to arrange a meeting between heads of state. I’m honored to have made this contact, governor, and hope that our nations will establish good relations”


“I hope that as well captain. I hope we can meet again, perhaps in a more comfortable and less formal situation.”

“Ok everyone, back to the shuttle, it’s time to go home!”

The Galactyan crew walked towards the hangar, got on the shuttle and, after re-entering the Quasar Shooter, warped away towards Korelapolat.

Back at Asdariek’s mansion on Korelapolat, she put on her comfier clothes and plopped herself down on her couch. The weight of the situation was finally downing on her. She went to the kitchen and made herself a FlowerBrew with much, much alcohol. She just talked with an alien IN PERSON. They were nice at least. She hoped she could talk to the captain again in the future. It all depended on the Empire’s ability to befriend the alien nation. What was it… Carrost… Callerot… no, Calerost, that was it. What a peculiar species. Although they were weird, she stilled admired their persistence in the face of adversity, and their notable fighting skills. That maneuver with which they pierced the shield was certainly… interesting. It was certainly going to be discussed by the Ministry Of Defense.

A portable Tele-Star on a side table glowed, reminding her that in a couple of days she was to head to the Capital to speak with the two Emperors. This was going to be a stressful week, but at least she was probably going to go down in history. And Korelaim was going to become even more popular after this. It meant more work to handle, sure, but it was nice to be known and famous.

She took another sip of her FlowerBrew and then, went to bed. After all of this, she definitely needed to rest.