
Quiet mortal

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NeveR gonna let you down

never gonna run around and deSert :desert: you

Weā€™ve known each oTher for so long

YoUr heartā€™s been aching, but yoUā€™re too shy to say it

Weā€™re no strangers to loVe

You knoW the rules and so do I

( )

Yep, there is an X.

You know, Iā€™ve already memorized that link. No one can trick me again!


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( )

Z. Is the letter z anywhere in the song? Hmm

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Iā€™m not gonna click on that, but I know for sure that this oneā€™s got a Y:


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You know what? Iā€™m clicking on that XD
Sorry, couldnā€™t think of another way to put an X in the post.

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right, i claim Victory of the hill.

wait wrong thread.

Iā€™m just Useless on this thread

Is Hawk Tuah a Immortal?

Something, Something Obamaā€¦

The Cake Far Rights are Running Rampant

I have a question

are you weird or strange


Perhaps I am a bit weird.

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