Noticed this, what’s the reasoning for it?
This is just an offhand comment and nothing more, but I always wondered about how this clause would work in practice, or how “disruptive” means in the context of a browser game that wouldn’t cross into OOC moderation.
Thoughts on including the ideas from this thread?
Rescind, or nullify? Also, if the CRS has to do this, what is the legality of the actions of the emergency member?
(5) The Citizenship Committee may conduct additional security checks on citizens at the request of other government officials.
This implies that my time as an elected member of Spiritus’s Legislature would need to go into a citizenship application, despite it happening for a single term almost 9 years ago. Is there a better way to phrase the latter half of this clause to reflect a more reasonable/appropriate legal requirement?
Still think this can go.
No longer meets the requirements for citizenship, provided that no unlawful expulsion from the region may be used to support a conclusion of failure to meet the requirements; or